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Romantic Suspense Punchlist
2021/07/19 17:54:52瀏覽23|回應0|推薦0
Ever think about writing a romantic suspense novel? Here's a punchlist of TO DO items I've gathered from writing these stories. Some items are obvious from the genre, others are hints from fellow authors or from my editor for Fifty-eight Faces at The Wild Rose Press.

Crime - Mystery

Plot based on a crime or mystery

Suspense - Action

Peril and physical danger for the heroine
Suspense and action - lots of it; reader should feel tension while reading
Fast-paced story line


Leave no doubt in the reader's mind as to who the hero is supposed to be
Heroine shouldn't have feelings for a guy other than the hero
Hero needs to come across as strong, and worthy of investing emotion in
Hero should be loyal to heroine and there should be no doubts in him about their relationship
Physical descriptions of hero and heroine ASAP - my editor says that readers need this to feel a connection with the heroine
Heroine should not be bitchy, childish or immature. No tantrums. She must be sympathetic to the reader.
Have both the heroine's and hero's POVs
Don't skimp on the romantic elements
HEA - of course!

Anything I should add? Any ideas on sub-categories of romantic suspense?
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