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Summer 2021
2021/07/17 14:46:44瀏覽17|回應0|推薦0
We’ve decided to have our summer vacation with Mama Ayie’s relatives. My Lola Bing and Lola Pia are coming home this summer all the way from London and Hongkong to celebrate Christening, graduation and birthday of some of our family members. It is a big happy family reunion just like what we had last year.

Pictures above are the most recent that I have taken by Tita Lexene. I just learned that I have the potential to be a commercial model. Teehee! Mama is wondering if she can enroll me in a modelling or acting workshop this summer before we go home to Baguio City.

If ever I learn how to speak fluently whether in Tagalog or English, they will surely enroll me this June. Yay! It means more friends and less play time for me.

My Tita Kaye is opening a small store in front of their house. Tito Paul, Tito Brons and Lolo Manny are all busy fixing the store so it will look cool and fresh. She is not going to sell cigarillo and alcoholic beverages for she knows it is bad for us.
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