眞實故事鴉片茶(Opium Tea)女主角故事補充改編而成
義大利模特兒現居加州Santa Barbara
第一幕: 烽火中的傜子The Whore of Beauty, 銀花與大漢The Love of Opium
序曲Overture: - 黄昏, 傷心雨
劇情: 國共烽火連天, 戰事吃緊, 砲声轟隆中
卻正如熱鍋中的蟻兒, 躲在銀花懷中
如在地獄的深淵中, 魔鬼卻不顧一切再往下墜.....
As far as people can barely hear, the cannon and gun shooting outside
the city of ShangHai
It is a battle between rich and poor
a noble soul against peasant's heart
an arrogant wealth against poverty mean
It is a fight between love and hatred
conscientious and consciousless
a millitary general and a whore beauty
a devil will and a feeble angel's mind
It is a war of greedy soul and a mercy heart where love
is engaging in the campaign
They both fight for the love of this country .......
歌詞 原創
大漢: 她娘(釀)的, 妳這娘們就不敢跟我走...
妳就不為我們想, 好歹也為妹子妳自個早想啊! 銀花
Johnnie: You dame, son of bitch, how could you do this to me...
If not for us, think about yourself my beloved lady,
my Milky White
銀花: 你知道你這麼一說我就心軟了, 可..., 我放不下姊妹與娘
Milky White: You know what you said is always melting my
bloody heart. If not her, I am dying by hunger
how can I leaving my mom and sisters in the opium house
大漢: 媽個巴子, 升麼娘的..... 不就是老鴇子.
妳是仙女誤入凡間. 就這麼折磨我的愛
Johnnie: Dame you, mother fucker, what mom it is,
a whore house keeper I would rather call her.
what you did is torturing me as a fairy to a devil's love.
銀花: 你這洋名字 John Wang唸起來像醬丸,我又不懂洋文
漢哥, 你知道我任你蹂躪是為了升麼
是愛我, 是恨我, 是疼我, 我都不在乎
只是, 好歹她養我半輩子, 我於心不忍
Milky White: My dearest Johnnie, I don't know how to speak it in English
it sounds to me like 醬丸(John Wang).
Whatever you touchy me, my heart is not hurting
No matter it is love, hatred, or caring
I make my soul and/or body no difference for you
However, I simply can't leave them alone here
My heart would not allow me to do so,
although I love you so...
銀花深深吸了一口鴉片, 大漢接了銀花花紅小嘴餵食大漢的一口鴉片
Milky White take a deep sips on the opium smoke, she breath out with
her bloody cherry mouth and feeding General Johnnie.
大漢: 唉!!!!!!!!!!!!! 好歹我是個將軍啊!
她娘(釀)的, 銀花!!!!!!! 我眞想給妳一巴掌
Johnnie: Eh!!!!!!!! what good about to be a general,
I can't do a dame thing with it, you hang my soul
with death penalty out of my consciousness
Son of bitch, my Milky White!!!!!
Dame, I want to slam you to death
The anger eys of the Devil staring at angel's eyes of blue
銀花: 你打吧! 我的心我的人早就屬於你
今天你能撕裂我的靈肉, 我己心滿意足
Milky White: beat me then, my love.
My soul and heart are all yours no matter what.
Piercing my heart and body,
make me screaming with joyful of bliss !!!!
第二幕: 烽火中的傜子The Whore of Beauty, 黑暗的戰事War of Barbarian
第一幕: 烽火中的傜子The Whore of Beauty, 銀花與大漢The Love of Opium