The Association for Services Management International 簡稱 AFSMI 是一個可以學習 Professional Services 的單位。( 本文由顏瑞田先生,資深媒體人 翻譯 ,曾加入AFSMI )
AFSMI Background
「全球服務經營協會」是一個國際領導組織,主要目的是協助專業服務機構和組織,提供給顧客更具價值的服務。成立超過30年的「全球服務經營協會」,在專業服務領域的研究、教育、評估、認證、以及舉辦大型研討會的貢獻,已經被國際上公認為最有經驗的權威機構。1975年設立的「全球服務經營協會」,數千位會員遍及全球各地,無論是專業服務、顧客諮詢、或現場服務(field service),AFSMI已經設定完善的標準化規格、並且事先洞燭未來趨勢,將全球高科技相關服務產業的頂尖企業的優秀人才和公司,集合在一起。
The Association for Services Management International is the global leader in helping service professionals and service organizations deliver more value for their customers. AFSMI is internationally recognized for over 30 years of experience delivering research, education, assessment and certification programs as well as conferences and events all focused on the services industry. Founded in 1975, AFSMI has thousands of members worldwide. From professional service to customer support to field service, AFSMI defines the standards, plots the trends and brings together the best and brightest individuals and companies in the technology-related services industry.
AFSMI的會員,從全球排名2000大的企業,到中小企業、區域型企業、以及個人都有,會員企業跨越的領域非常廣泛,包括醫療科技、工業自動化、和運輸等,都各有專長,事實上,只要是運用科技作為提供客戶專業服務的地方,都可以發現AFSMI會員的蹤影,因此,我們把它定義為「專業服務產業」。AFSMI的知名會員包括菲利浦、西門子、和Agilent, Unisys and 3M等跨國公司。
Who Does AFSMI Serve?
AFSMI members range from major Global 2000 companies to smaller, regional players and individual service professionals. Member companies span many market segments such as medical technology, industrial automation, and transportation - anywhere technology services are a critical factor in delivering customer value – we call this the “S-business” industry. Member companies include industry leaders like Philips, Siemens, Agilent, Unisys and 3M.
S-business – Defined
"S-business" (the services business) is the term coined by AFSMI to describe the technology services industry. S-business includes all of the activities, organizations, and individuals involved in providing customer services and support for technology-based products and solutions.
The AFSMI Difference: Advancing The Needs Of The Service Industry
AFSMI, as an industry association, plays a powerful role. Operating as a neutral third party, AFSMI can convene the biggest players in the industry, document best practices, define standards, and develop shared research that lowers operating costs for our members.
AFSMI, unlike other industry associations, is not satisfied with merely providing networking opportunities for its members. Working closely with our members to tackle the toughest industry issues they face, our goal is to be the trusted advisor to our members, marshalling our broad industry expertise for individual member benefit.