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Why is childhood so romanticized by adults?
2015/01/26 19:05:26瀏覽202|回應0|推薦0

Q: Why is childhood so romanticized by adults? Is there a time from your childhood that you particularly romanticize?

A: The same reason can fit to the cause why mammal animal cubs are so adorable to lots of adults.  Take Yuan-Zai, a panda cub born in Taipei Zoo, 2013, as example.   Through the vast broadcast media, Yuan-Zai's every action and facial expression were spread worldwidely.  Not only Taiwanese were crazy about her, but the fans from other nations.  Yuan-Zai became the "Guru of Healing" in 2013, just because her fat but swift moving gestures, her naughty little tricks on her keepers and mother Yuan-Yuan aroused people's long-forgotten carefree laughter and innocence.   Animal cub is also the same signifier with human's childhood, making us recollect the days in the Lost Paradise, the Garden of Eden, every living creature could trust each other without any calculation and doubt, a lost era that could never come back as we grow up...

I only vaguely remember according to the old photos, when I was about 4-6 years old, I needed not to care if I would have money or job tomorrow, nor if I would have lost the love of my family or partner.  I was the spotlight to my family, and I missed the warm hands that had ever taken me to the theaters, restaurants, playgrounds...and of course I didn't need to pay money myself XD  Sigmund Freud had said that children around these years are in Oedipus Complex, that is, a son should eager to take place of his father to get married with his mother, and a daughter should be jealous of her mother because the mother is an enemy who took the father away from her.  But according to my vague memory, such kind of Oedipus Complex had never appeared because what I felt in my childhood were love and care from my family.   These years are the only era that I think I was back with God, in the Lost Paradise, surrounded by the eternal Light and Love...

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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