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[狄玉明]狄玉明上師 狄玉明禪語/真心不二,就會得到幸福好結果。
2022/07/25 13:59:48瀏覽64|回應0|推薦1

[狄玉明]狄玉明上師 狄玉明禪語/所有願望都能達成,看時機


   要知道我們所求的,菩薩給了,我們接到了就是接到了;暫時沒接到,心裡也還是想著「我已經接到了、收到了」。要有這樣的想法,還要懷有恭敬之心。 祂給的,就是你該得的;你此刻沒感覺得到的,其實也會得到,只是要到了那個時間點,它才能來。

   Absolute Sincerity Begets Bliss and Happy Outcomes The realization of your aspiration depends on timing, place, and even its suitability for you. You have to genuinely believe you have attained your aspiration, as bestowed by the Bodhisattva. Though it may not yet be fulfilled, you must focus with a respectful heart on: “I have attained, I have achieved.” A gift that comes to you is what you deserve. Initially, you may not sense the receiving of it. When the opportune time arrives, it will be presented to you. The realization of your aspiration depends on timing, place, and even its suitability for you. . You have to genuinely believe you have attained your aspiration, as bestowed by the Bodhisattva. . Though it may not yet be fulfilled, you must focus with a respectful heart on: “I have attained, I have achieved.” . A gift that comes to you is what you deserve. Initially, you may not sense the receiving of it. When the opportune time arrives, it will be presented to you.

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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