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[改編歌詞] ~@Love Is Singing@~
2008/12/29 05:53:21瀏覽349|回應0|推薦2


Release me~I'm releasing you

Hold me close~I'm holding you close

See some movies, go to shopping

All you're ask I'll do right away

Standing on the top of the building

Enjoying the fresh air blowing

Do you hear it, love is singing

I know I'm good I'm feeling now

Well I wanna jump and fly

Fly away through the darkness around us

Well hey I know you gonna take me high

You're the one of all the reason that I'm loving you

You're the one of all the reason make me feeling good

You must know

I won let you go, and stay with you

Give security

You're the one of all the reason that I'm loving you

You're the one of all the reason make me feeling good

You must know

I won let you go, and stay with you

'Tiil the end we live

Just hope that you know!

( 創作詩詞 )
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