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Oh ! Girl
2011/12/15 01:21:47瀏覽430|回應0|推薦10


趕忙上 YouTube 翻箱倒櫃搜尋一番

The Chi Lites (芝加哥之光合唱團) 的老情歌


醉了 ..............


前兩天 連續下了幾日陰冷冬雨後的放晴
騎著車子 在買完材料後返回辦公室的路上
呼嘯著 恣意的 撥弄著飛揚在衣擺的扣繩

暖暖的風 刮的心裡 一陣陣的舒服


" Oh! girl...
How I depend on you
to give me love when I need it
right on time
You would always be ..........

就 脫口哼出

猛然驚覺  恍神了
可 暖暖的風
在這個有點冷的冬天 吹的好舒服~~

不自覺的 放緩了油門
暖暖的 難得的 冬天的東南風
還有 頭上那滿滿一片 澄澈無雲的湛藍

哈 還真有點捨不得太早回辦公室呢


一遍 又 一遍的重複著
嘴角 淡淡的 揚起


睡覺去 =.=||||| ..........

Oh! Girl  The Chi Lites

影片來自 YouTube 網友 Somewheremaybe 分享
YouTube - Oh Girl - Chi Lites - Lyrics

Oh, girl Paul Young

Oh, girl
I'd be in trouble if you left me now
'Cause I don't know where to look for love
I just don't know how

Oh, girl
How I depend on you to give me love when I need it
Right on time you would always be

All my friends call me a fool
They say, "let the woman take care of you"
So I try to be hip and think like the crowd
But even the crowd can't help me now, oh-oh-oh

Oh, girl
Tell me, what am I gonna do
I know I got a guilty face
Girl, I feel so out of place, oh yeah
don't know where to go, who to see, yeah

Oh, girl
I guess I better go
I can save myself a lot of useless tears
Girl, I've gotta get away from here

Oh, girl
Pain will double if you leave me now
Cause I don't know where to look for love
And I don't, I don't know how
oh yeah

Oh, girl, why do I love you so... yeah...

Better be on my way, I can't stay

Have you ever seen such a helpless man oh~~~

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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