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loveneverending(113):Miracle Through Kindness(一句問候 救了自己))
2016/01/25 12:59:34瀏覽537|回應2|推薦48

一位朋友告訴我這篇網路上的文章,非常喜歡它。因此把它翻成英文放在 愛永不止息loveneverending與唸英文的讀者分享。

一位女士在一家肉類加工廠工作。有一天,當她完成所有工作安排,走進冷庫例行檢查,突然,一個不幸的時刻,門意外關上了,她被鎖在裡面,淹沒在人們 的視線中。雖然她竭盡全力地尖叫著,敲打著,她的哭聲卻沒有人能夠聽到。這個時候大部分工人都已經下班了,在冰冷的房間里,沒有人能夠聽到裡面發生的事。

五個小時後,當她頻臨死亡的邊緣,工廠保安最終打開了那門,奇跡般地救了她。後來她問保安,他怎麼會去開那門,這不是他的日常工作。他解釋說:「我 在這家工廠工作了35年,每天都有幾百名工人進進出出,但你是唯一一位每天早晨上班向我問好,晚上下班跟我道別的人。許多人視我為透明看不見的。今天,你 像往常一樣來上班,簡單地跟我問聲「你好」。但下班後,我卻沒聽到你跟我說「再見,明天見」。於是,我決定去工廠裡面看看。我期待你的「嗨」和「再見」, 因為這話提醒我,我是某人。沒聽到你的告別,我知道可能發生了一些事。這就是為什麼我在每個角落尋找你。



Most of us go about our daily lives in a routine. I’ll never forget an inspiring story that a friend shared with me about a woman whose daily routine featuring a humble greeting ended up saving her life.

This woman went about her job in a meat-processing factory as she was supposed to, checking up on all of the things she was to supervise. One day she went into the cold room(a giant refrigerated room) to perform a routine inventory check when the door suddenly closed behind her. She was locked inside, and nobody noticed. Even though she tried screaming and pounding on the door, it was so thick that nobody could hear her. Even if they could, all of the workers had left for the day, and there wouldn’t have been anyone to hear her.

As time passed, the cold seeped through her skin and down to her bones. She was certain that she was going to die. Then, all of a sudden, the security guard opened the door and saved her. After recovering from her ordeal, she asked the guard why he had checked up on the cold room, as it wasn’t part of his job.

The guard explained, “I’ve been working at this factory for 35 years. In all of that time, I’ve seen several hundred workers come in and out but you are the only one who has ever greeted me in the morning and said goodbye to me at night. The rest of the workers never noticed me, like I was transparent or invisible. Today, you greeted me in the morning, but you did not say goodbye to me, even after everyone went home. I sensed something had happened to you, so I decided to check up on you. I was hoping to hear your goodbye because your greeting reminds me that I am a person, too. That is why I came looking for you.”

I was told this was a true story. What struck me the most was how such a simple element in a daily routine could lead to such a miracle. All the woman did was say “hello” to a person everyone else had ignored. Acknowledging and respecting your surroundings and the people around you can only be a source for more good to enter your life.  Who knows, perhaps such simple and good deeds will one day miraculously end up saving your life.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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2016/01/28 13:46



2016/01/28 13:10