小孫女對爺爺說:“爺 爺,我長大以後一定會孝順您的!” Little granddaughter said to grandpa: "Grandpa, I will be very very nice to you when I grow up".
爺爺說:“等你長大以後,爺爺都不知道還在不在?!” Grandpa said, " I even don't know if I‘m still alive after you grow up?“
小孫女說:“爺爺您一定還在,因為婆婆說:您是老不死的。 爺爺如您不信, 請看以下短片吧!" Little granddaughter said, "Grandpa, you definitely will be here because grandma told me that you are an old man who won't die, never !. If you don't believe that, you may see the DVD below from youtube."