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4th of July 2011...
2011/07/05 12:31:55瀏覽725|回應2|推薦11
Today is 4th of July, also known as Independence Day. At around 11:45am this morning, we drove down to San Diego to attend a barbecue. It was a blast because there were so many foods: Brazilian beef that was smothered with some sort of Brazilian powder and salsa, roasted chicken, corn and much more. 

After spending couple of hours in San Diego, we then stopped by Buffalo Wild Wings (Murrieta) in which we had a few drinks and snacks. We ate: soft pretzels that was dipped with honey mustard and cheese. We had also ordered 6 pieces of chicken wings that had the flavor of Asian Zing. Asian Zing is a chili pepper, soy and ginger sauce. While we were eating our chicken wings and drinking our cocktails, we played a game in titled: Buzztime Trivia. It consists of 10 multiple-choice questions. There was a question and it asked: What is armagnac? Answer: Armagnac is a distinctive kind of brandy. Another question was: What does a garbologist study? Answer: A garbologist is one who studies refuse and trash. 

All in all, we enjoyed our 4th of July. 

our swag bartender: Tom aka Tommy

(the bar area)

( 休閒生活其他 )
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Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
2011/07/07 22:34
年輕的漫妙, 想做去做, 容易地愉快起來, 也隨遇而安。
美食在當前, 好天氣常常, 人要不興緻洋溢, 也難。
Annie, 近來有好消息?
~*Annie Oakley*~(sillydancer) 於 2011-07-11 02:32 回覆:
I am in the process of becoming a travel agent; booking several flights and seeing which hotel is the top-rated and whatnot. Oh... and I can't forget, I am also becoming a real estate agent, I am looking for the hot properties that is worth 1 million dollars or more. 

2011/07/06 13:43

Since I had some drinks the night before, we were just there for couples of hours and had some beer while we watched Cleveland won the game yesterday. That was not bad at all. And AJJ lead several Trivia games that I think you are awesome~

We had pretty nice holidays, except i don't feel like party at all; rather staying home in the backyard lay by the pool and had my UDN responses.

Garbologist.......? wow, a new word~