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Easter Dinner
2011/04/25 08:14:22瀏覽1055|回應6|推薦20
Guess what holiday today is? Today is Easter Sunday and as a typical Easter holiday, there should be a Easter egg hunt. I guess not this year, because the weather was overcast. It was raining in the morning and was clear by mid-afternoon. Tonight's Easter dinner was prepared by BM. She's such an amazing cook, who is able to make many dishes of all kinds. She had spent almost all morning inthe kitchen, making quite a delectable dinner for tonight. She made sure everything was cooked right. Honestly, all of scrumptious foods hit my palate and boy... it was oh so good!! (I can't till Thanksgiving this year, as it will be a very good meal!!)

Tonight's dinner: baked sauteed pork chops, lemon pepper chicken, homestyled baked dumplings & chicken, macaroni and cheese, green beans. And for dessert: cheesecake!! 

I just want to thank her from the bottom of my heart. All credits go to her!!!

(BM: can you PLEASE write me a cookbook of all your most famous dishes? i would definitely love a copy...)
The song that I chose for this article is: What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong


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2011/07/09 17:54
BM is such a great cook

knock! knock!!
2011/06/04 10:47

anybody home? hello~ hollow.......anyone home??

you are too quiet and silent. Doze off?

2011/05/25 13:03
I know you are still in grieve. I like to say you will get through this with all my supports. Please come back to you blog when you are ready to party... I believe there are many friends are missing you very much. Take care my dear!

嵐山(Blue Mt.) 敬上

Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
A grand party
2011/05/15 14:39
Love the word of scrumptious!
Love even more the fact that BM made it!!
It was a long dinner, as the invitation showed start from 3PM.
~*Annie Oakley*~(sillydancer) 於 2011-05-16 06:05 回覆:
Hi, Dr. Norton:

How are you? Scrumptious is a very interesting word to use when it comes to cooking. Despite the fact that you came, you also even mentioned about BM. Thank you for being so very considerate. Our Easter dinner was so good!! Yes, it was a long dinner because we ate for about 2 hours and you know, eating such a long dinner, we also talked. We also enjoyed a glass of wine, that went very well with our dinner. Anyways... thank you so much for coming, Dr. Norton!! 

BTW... when will you post a new article?

2011/04/27 14:29

Lucky Anne,  I did not know BM is such a good cook.  I can have two round like what showed in the photo. 

Dumplings and chicken
2011/04/25 14:23
This is my first time try cook this dish.  It is not bad at all. But, I will have better turn out next time I cook.

嵐山(Blue Mt.) 敬上