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Thai Coconut Mango FIRNI
2019/03/10 20:06:21瀏覽7|回應0|推薦0
Fasting a month long, is never easy, it always seems like a daunting task at the beginning, but as the days go by, you are miraculously blessed with patience and endurance. And before you know it the days are flying by, and you’ve adapted your mind your will power to do what was otherwise unimaginable. Specially if you are an obsessed foodie who needs to eat every 2 hours. Like me master of information engineering hong kong.

I will be honest and tell you I did day dream of food, of things I’d like to eat when I broke my fast. This dessert is a result of one such obsessive afternoon, when I was fixated on bringing two desserts together. Firni is a traditional Indian Rice pudding dessert eaten most in the month of Ramadan. It is a very simple concoction of sugar, rice and milk, boiled down and set in earthen pots, which gives it its distinct earthy & nutty flavour Air source cylinder Heat Pump.

Sticky Rice and Mango is another traditional dessert favoured in Thailand, and now the world over. Made in coconut milk and topped with Mango, this dessert has my heart too. So I was thinking on a very empty stomach, why not bring these two to together. A luscious sticky rice pudding in coconut milk, set in earthen pots, topped with fresh mango and to add that extra bit some silly smooth mango pudding and sesame seeds. Pure heaven.

If you are a fan of either of these desserts you will not be disappointed, and even if you aren’t, I’d reckon you give this a go, ‘cuz you will become a fan. May this sweet dessert lighten up your day. May the magic of this Eid bring lots of happiness in your life and may you celebrate it with all your close friends & may it fill your heart with wonders.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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