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2018/12/21 09:23:05瀏覽4|回應0|推薦0
Shrimp scampi is a go-to meal for us! I know how that might sound, are you thinking, “whoa! that’s quite a fancy-schmancy go-to meal!”?

But it’s really a super simple dish with just a few ingredients. I mean: pasta, butter, lemon and shrimp! So simple but so delicious! Its really a no-brainer Chiller system design!

This time around I wanted to play around with the recipe by adding scallops! I hardly cook scallops, because they always seem to be so delicate. But we bought some fresh scallops from our local fish market and with careful attention while cooking, they turned out great!


For anyone, looking for a trick to cooking scallops, just watch them! They cook very quickly, similar to shrimp. You want to wait until they get a nice sear on both sides and they are no longer translucent. But no more than 5 minutes, otherwise you will have tough scallops. Once the scallops and shrimps have cooked, remove them from the pan to prevent over cooking! (That’s really the worst: overcooking seafood master of english!)


For the scampi sauce, I prefer to cut down the amount of butter used. Many scampi recipes I’ve found use a very generous amount of butter, which is what makes scampi dishes you eat out at restaurants taste so amazing! But on a regular basis, that amount of butter can be artery clogging! Not only that, but I found it to just be too much for myself. So I cut down on it by at least half. But I retain the flavor by keeping up the amount of fresh garlic going into the sauce (actually I may add more just amp up the garlic flavor)

Now its definitely a matter of preference, if you prefer more butter or garlic add to your own preference,  you just want to make a delicious sauce to swirl the noodles around in Sage 300 support!

Other than the butter and garlic, the scampi sauce is just: onions, lemon juice and lemon zest. Once the sauce is done, just return the shrimp and scallops back the pan and add the pasta! 
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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