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Luscious Vegan Turkish Lentil Soup
2018/11/01 09:26:02瀏覽5|回應0|推薦0
It’s rather rare for a city like Mumbai to see cool days.15C is the coolest its gotten here in the peak of winter, so it does make you a wee bit happy. It does make you want to push away the salad for a comforting bowl of hot soup. When you say Lentil soup around here, your first reaction would be “Oh Daal,” well just because theres lentil in there, it doesn’t qualify as daal. Lentils – rather Pea Lentils ( Tuwar Dal ) the one we are using in this soup toady, does originate from India, and is consumed the world over now in so many different ways. Like this Turkish soup, nothing fancy, yet with just a few humble ingredients can make such a delicious soup. And a luscious creamy texture with no cream in it at all. This recipe is pretty basic, there are many versions to this soup, some add bugler wheat, some add some rice, some more tomato paste and so on … its really up to you. For those who are not Vegan, I would encourage you to use butter. It really enhances the flavour, like butter does to everything else master of education hong kong.

In a pressure cooker, fry the onions carrots and celery in the olive oil on medium heat for about 7-8 minutes till soft and very lightly browned. Add the potatoes, lentils, tomato paste, turmeric, chilli powder and salt. Give it all a good stir and add the broth. Cover the pressure cooker and give it about 10 -15 mins of low to medium heat. Open the cooker and blend the soup. Cool a little in using a stand blender, if using a hand blender you can do so in the pot itself. You may need to ass some more broth to achieve the right consistency as per your liking apartment central hk.

Serve out in bowls, then in a small pot heat the oil /butter, fry the pinenuts and add the paprika. Turn of heat and spoon over the soup. Garnish with parsley or coriander and serve with lime Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioner.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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