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Chocolate Mint Breakfast Oats
2018/09/21 14:54:02瀏覽2|回應0|推薦0
It is always a good time time to have chocolate and specially for your first meal of the day. By now those of you who follow me here and on Instagram, must know what a big advocate I am for delicious breakfasts. Healthy yet utterly scrumptious. The beauty of them all is none of them are time consuming, and just with  a few simple ingredients you can satiate your stomach and your soul. Dark Chocolate for instance, eaten in moderation is so healthy for you. Have it first thing in the morning and you’ve got a good start Adrian Cheng.

7 Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Very Nutritious. …

Powerful Source of Antioxidants. …

May Improve Blood Flow and Lower Blood Pressure. …

Raises HDL and Protects LDL From Oxidation. …

May Reduce Heart Disease Risk. …

May Protect Your Skin From the Sun. …

Could Improve Brain Function.

To take it up a notch I added some mint extract to the chocolate drizzle, being a fan of After Eight mints, I’ve always loved this combination. And a little bit of Minty chocolate in the morning is so refreshing. Not to mention the health benefits of Oats, Blueberries and Homemade Almond Milk, we have a win win and win situation here company registration in hong kong!

This breakfast is literally ready in minutes. Combine the chopped Dark Chocolate and coconut oil in a small bowl and microwave for 30 seconds. Remove and stir, give it another 30 seconds to melt if needed. Add the mint extract and mix and set aside myob accounting software.

In a small pot combine the oats, almond milk and cinnamon and bring to boil. Cook for about 3 to 4 mins or till it reaches the consistence you like. Pour in a bowl, top with blueberries, cocoa nibs and drizzle some chocolate and serve.
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