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2012/06/21 17:15:25瀏覽684|回應13|推薦26 | |
油畫~ Chen~非非玉 註:Dr. Gerhard Schoeman 老師已於2016年 8月底過世,憶及2012年8月我在台開個人畫展,邀請到老師為我小小一本畫冊寫序文,今日重讀文中老師提及我們師生曾互動的過往,不勝感懷。2016/12/12 記於開普敦。 Chen / 非玉 這是二千年畫的自畫像。 也許那時的我,臉頰真是如此瘦削,且嚴肅不笑。 那年,一個人帶著女兒在異鄉適應,當時還是藝術學院二年級學生,回想,讓人開懷大笑的事兒確實不多。 憶起此畫畫成後,差一點被當成紀念物,送給那時決定離開開普敦去他校任教的老師Gerhard Schoeman。 他教了我兩年,多位老師中,自覺和他比較有磁場,他教我也教得比較熱心,彼此都有很深的印象。算是我的油畫啟蒙老師。 最近(2012年)我準備印製畫冊,把感覺接近的約三十幅抽象人物油畫合成一冊,第一個想到最適合幫我寫序文的自然是那時候的指導老師。 經女兒在南非相關網站上連絡上他,雖十多年沒有連絡通信,老師一口答應。 他是南非藝術學博士,藝術家、藝術評論家及藝術史學家,任教南非布魯芳登自由州大學,藝術史和視覺文化系教授。 Foreword: For Mei-Chung Chen I taught drawing and painting to the artist and journalist Chen Chi between 1997 and 2000,at Ruth Prowse College of Art in Cape Town. I remember vividly how much she struggled to speak English and how much we struggled to communicate. Early on I decided that we should communicate through the art she produced. I would talk about it and she would frown at me. I would try again and we ended up laughing. Again and again I tried different tactics, gesturing and speaking madly and passionately. She quickly learnt to appreciate what I was trying to teach her, by engaging with everything wholeheartedly. I often showed the students slides and reproductions in books of other artists’ work. We spoke about everything under the sun, including books, movies and philosophical ideas. I spoke to Chen about Western and Chinese art, and the connection between the two that could be reflected in her work. I told her she could find her own language, by reflecting on it through the languages of others. Language, communication and the complexities and subtleties of representation became our shared point of departure — because we couldn’t simply communicate in English alone. I remember telling her many times: Express, don’t illustrate. Judging by her recent work, which she will exhibit in her first solo exhibition in Taiwan, she took my words to heart. Dr Gerhard Schoeman, artist, critic, art historian Department of History of Art and Visual Culture Studies University of the Free State Bloemfontein South Afric 以下是中譯版,他在序文裡提到我們以前互動情形,彷如昨日,真是很令人懷念的學習過程: 「1997到2000年間,我在開普敦RuthProwse藝術學院教過現在是藝術家曾經是新聞記者的陳美瓊素描和油畫。 令我記憶猶新地,是她非常努力地用英文表達,而我們彼此都非常努力地溝通。 從開始我就決定,我們應該經由她的畫作作為溝通的依據。我常評價她的畫作,通常她並不表示贊同。我會試著再陳述,最後我們都大笑起來。我一次又一次試著用不同的方式,激動或熱心地對她解說,她則全心全意地接受一切,很快就能體會到我想要教她的。 我經常給學生看幻燈片和書上一些藝術家的複製品,也會和學生在戶外陽光下暢談藝術書籍、電影和哲學思想。 我曾和陳談論西方和中國的藝術,以及可以從兩者之間關係走出陳自己風格的話題。我告訴陳,她可以發現她自己的表達方式,也可以透過其他人的表達反射出她自己的表達方式。 語言,溝通、複雜的事物及畫作的精準表現手法成為我們共同分享的起點,因為我們不能單純地只依賴英文溝通。 我記得我告訴過她許多次,要表達,別只是圖像。看她這次在台灣個展中的畫作,她確實把我的話銘記在心。」 從序文結語中看出,Gerhard 對我這次將在台展出的畫作,還算滿意。 而這幅最終沒有送出的自畫像,我請女兒照了,傳過來,將放在我畫冊的簡介上。 記得畫這張畫的時節為仲夏,一屋子的暑氣與寧靜。 我家先生對此自畫像,沒有像認同我其他油畫般的那樣喜好,但我自己挺喜歡。
Valleys by John Sokoloff
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