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2009/10/24 11:55:50瀏覽704|回應3|推薦0 | |
(得獎的是...........) Kevin週五拿回期中的成績報告,我並沒預知那天會有成績單,下課還約他在必勝客吃飯,沒想到竟是一張讓我驚嚇到花容失色的傑作,他又害我當眾變成了后母兼巫婆. 回家後,我開始翻箱倒櫃,找出我們以前在美國念書時的成績單,作為佐證,然後要求陽光男立刻下班回家,準備聯手給他來個大轟炸. 我是氣得狂轟狂炸,陽光男倒是在一旁,氣定神閒地講道理,Kevin還是一如以往,眼淚汪汪默不作聲,一副十分委曲樣,吼!每次都這樣,那男孩的眼淚,又是讓我罵到最後後繼無力,不知道自己在幹嘛!還開始安慰他. 最後的落幕是-陪恩恩到樓下家樂福 Free Shopping,並到星巴克買一杯超大杯焦糖瑪其朵給Kevin,安慰他剛剛受創的心靈,事實証明,自己仍然是隻紙老虎. 稍晚,Kevin接到同學(Derick)的短信,覺得很意思,徵得Kevin同意,在這裡收錄. Derick: dude I just got lectured for a few hours but he's not mad he's like..... Just do better I know you're not trying your hardest Kevin: thats what happened to me except they were pissed Derick: I pretended to cry though maybe that worked Kevin: dude how do you pretend to cry? Derick: I can make my eyes water on will sometimes its kinda weird Kevin: You probably really cried lmao Derick: Maybe I did....Lol but srsly I can sometimes water my eyes Kevin: Lol I got like so screwed Derick: Its cuz were asian... If we were white we would be so happy Kevin: Lol I noe rite Derick: Yea..... k I'm going to sleep ttyl Kevin: K 從他們的對話中,可以看出亞洲家長對成績的重視,與身為ABC的無奈,還有男孩的眼淚,有時是一場大騙局. Kevin這次的成績是-三個A與四個B,史上最差. |
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |