查了一下,仙人跳可以譯成badger game、beauty trap或者honey trap。在某種程度上,應該也可以稱為美人計(using seductive women to corrupt the enemy)。 仙人跳通常發生於已婚男性(often perpetrated on married men);這些男性被「設局」(the man is tricked),最後歹徒會向可憐的被害人勒索財物(blackmailing)。為什麼叫做badger game呢? 說法有兩種:一種說法認為這是源自以誘餌捕捉獾的行為(One explanation is that the term originated in the practice of badger baiting),另一說是這種行為好發於被稱為美洲獾之州(the Badger State)的維斯康辛州(Wisconsin)-->這這...有點污辱了這個州民吧 這種詐騙手法(con)流行許久,古今中外皆是。男性朋友,還是忠實一點吧(註: 卡通的標題為: Nude Attack,哈哈,超搞笑的。)
這邊順便列出36計(Thirty-six Strategems)的英文:
- 第一套〖勝戰計〗 Winning Stratagems
- 第01計 瞞天過海 Deceive the heavens to cross the ocean
- 第02計 圍魏救趙 Besiege Wèi to rescue Zhào
- 第03計 借刀殺人 Kill with a borrowed knife
- 第04計 以逸待勞 Substitute leisure for labour
- 第05計 趁火打劫 Loot a burning house
- 第06計 聲東擊西 Make a sound in the east, then strike in the west
- 第二套〖敵戰計〗 Enemy Dealing Stratagems
- 第07計 無中生有 Create something from nothing
- 第08計 暗渡陳倉 Openly repair the gallery roads, but sneak through the passage of Chencang
- 第09計 隔岸觀火 Watch the fires burning across the river
- 第10計 李代桃僵 Sacrifice the plum tree to preserve the peach tree
- 第12計 順手牽羊 Take the opportunity to pilfer a goat
- 第三套〖攻戰計〗 Attacking Stratagems
- 第13計 打草驚蛇 Startle the snake by hitting the grass around it
- 第14計 借屍還魂 Borrow a corpse to resurrect the soul
- 第15計 調虎離山 Entice the tiger to leave its mountain lair
- 第16計 欲擒故縱 In order to capture, one must let loose
- 第17計 拋磚引玉 Tossing out a brick to get a jade gem
- 第18計 擒賊擒王 Defeat the enemy by capturing their chief
- 第四套〖混戰計〗 Chaos Stratagems
- 第19計 釜底抽薪 Remove the firewood under the cooking pot
- 第20計 混水摸魚 Catch a fish while the water is disturbed
- 第21計 金蟬脫殼 Slough off the cicada's golden shell
- 第22計 關門捉賊 Shut the door to catch the thief
- 第23計 遠交近攻 Befriend a distant state while attacking a neighbour
- 第24計 假道伐虢 Obtain safe passage to conquer the State of Guo
- 第五套〖並戰計〗 Proximate Stratagems
- 第25計 偷梁換柱 Replace the beams with rotten timbers
- 第26計 指桑罵槐 Point at the mulberry tree while cursing the locust tree
- 第27計 假癡不癲 Feign madness but keep your balance
- 第28計 上屋抽梯 Remove the ladder when the enemy has ascended to the roof
- 第29計 樹上開花 Deck the tree with false blossoms
- 第30計 反客為主 Make the host and the guest exchange roles
- 第六套〖敗戰計〗 Defeat Stratagems
- 第31計 美人計 The beauty trap
- 第32計 空城計 The empty fort strategy
- 第33計 反間計 Let the enemy's own spy sow discord in the enemy camp
- 第34計 苦肉計 Inflict injury on one's self to win the enemy's trust
- 第35計 連環計 Chain stratagems
- 第36計 走為上計 If everything else fails, retreat