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2006/04/08 16:06:50瀏覽686|回應3|推薦19 | |
男人比女人容易寂寞, 因為男人不擅長表達自己, 男人縱情於運動, 也是為了麻醉自己, 比較起其他不當休閒, 運動似乎傷害力小一些.
我是超級運動迷, 很多人生哲理, 從運動員, 到身任教練, 到以經營的觀念來看待職業運動, 最近幾年參加線上運動遊戲Fantasy NBA, Fantasy Baseball, 與一些好友共享看球的樂趣, 根據我們彼此的虛擬球隊, 虛擬的計分方式, 研究球員的表現, 了解球員因為對手不同, 而表現的差異, 也討論許多交易的內幕,交易對球員統計數字的影響, 也因此, 參與了許多 有趣的trash talk. Trash talk是老美在球場上常用的招數, 喬丹的功力是公認與他的球技一樣高. 從"Trash talk"中其實也能了看出人們的思考邏輯. 今年的Fantasy NBA有三個白人, 一個非裔, 兩個 ABC, 一個在大陸的台灣人, 一個在台灣的留學歸國的台灣人, 四個矽谷工程師. 其中數位都是在業界小有成就的, 從設定聯盟計分方式,虛擬的交易規定 都具有不錯的哲理, 最近 Fantasy NBA進入準決賽了, 一位朋友錯失季後賽資格 "烏卒"之下, 在留言版寫下一段話 : ________________________________ tOO bAD by: TXXXX Apr 6 5:03pm Well, If I made the playoff, my numbers should be good to compete with Gemini or other teams. Anyway, this is a great season and hope next time we can kick Gemini out of the top spot. re. tOO bAD by: JXXXX Apr 7 7:21am This is why I hate Gemini's gut in fantasy! You just feel that his team is no better than yours, but he just keeps beating you. His team in head-to-head look good, still I can take it. But, look how he does in the roto league, with those no-name players in his roster! What pissed me off even more is that he still beats us up at ease, and would definitely run away with the league championship. Look who I have, and can't believe I can't compete with him. Hey, will that comment hurt my focal review? re. tOO bAD by: Rim Smashers Apr 7 5:27pm Bordeaux has the best team in the playoff. Tanks has the best team in teh league... I don't think Gemini is able to compete with Bordeaux, but Broncos might. So much about the match-up... re. tOO bAD by: Bordeaux Apr 7 5:32pm When you are in the playoff, the team you keep an eye on is the team you are playing. Everything else is non sense. ________________________________ 四個人, 有四種邏輯. Bordeaux與我最談的來, 每次都能談到很多附哲理的地方. 有些人, 沒到季後賽就想冠軍賽, 有些人 專注目前的狀況, 求最好的戰果, 有遠見又要能務實, 不是這麼容易的, 人要了解自己是否真的有遠見, 若不知道,還是務實些好吧. Txxx's players: PG G. Arenas (Was - PG) SG B. Wells (Sac - SG) G M. Bibby (Sac - PG) G M. Peterson (Tor - SG,SF) SF K. Korver (Phi - SF) PF J. O'Neal (Ind - PF,C) F T. Prince (Det - SF) F C. Boozer (Uta - PF) C B. Wallace (Det - PF,C) Util T. Parker (SA - PG) Util M. Banks (Min - PG) BN Ju. Jones (Cha - SF) BN Z. Pachulia (Atl - PF,C) BN T. Thomas (Pho - SF,PF) GEMINI's team: PGJ. Terry (Dal - PG) SGJ. Posey (Mia - SG,SF) GC. Paul (NOK - PG,SG) GM. James (Tor - PG) SFR. Artest (Sac - SF) PFD. Nowitzki (Dal - PF) FS. Abdur-Rahim (Sac - SF,PF) CM. Camby (Den - C) UtilD. Williams (Uta - PG,SG) UtilR. Lewis (Sea - SF) BN B. Diaw (Pho - SG,SF,PF,C) BN B. Miller (Sac - C) BN G. Wallace (Cha - SG,SF) |
( 興趣嗜好|運動 ) |