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奧克蘭運動家(布萊德里)對王建民 A's(Bradley) is chasing C. M. Wang
2006/04/06 11:36:30瀏覽714|回應0|推薦9

我喜歡奧克蘭運動家隊, 因為他們以洋基隊三分之一的預算, 卻年年交出很好的戰績. 這就是美國, 財大氣出, 不見得一定能達成心願. 能善用每分錢, 發揮最大的效率, 並且維持團隊的和諧氣氛, 還是能與大財團抗衡, 建立獨特的傳統.

A's took one game from the Yanks last night, 4-3.
我們的奧克蘭運動家昨晚板回一城, 九局下半, 再見安打, 4-3. 今天一看, 王建民上場, 早知道不加班了!


四局上 4-0 洋基隊領先, 洋基隊三上三下.

四局下, 運動家隊的當家三壘手查維茲, 先打出安打, 球評說: 王建民的剋星就是像查維茲這種強壯的打者, 硬是把球擊出內野. 接下來, 老將湯瑪斯擊出游擊方向的滾地球, 基特失誤, 王建民又保送強生, 下一棒是運動家隊新交易來的外野手布萊德里, 布萊德里一棒打出兩分打點的左外野安打, 布萊德里也是肌肉型的強打者, 王建民今天搞不定肌肉男, 運動家隊後來又得一分.

Now, it is bottom of 5th, runners on 1st and 3rd, 3-4 , A's
behind. I need to go home now, just that I don't know who to root
for when I watch the game. It is good that I just set up my wireless
headphone at home.

五局下半 運動家隊滿壘時 又是布萊德里王健民投出四壞球 保送打者 擠回一分 之後被換下場 4 2/3局 七支安打 兩次四壞保送 並不理想 建仔還需要加強心理建設 大聯盟的 投手 一定要能不斷調整心理 不斷調整配球 力道 運動家隊八局下把洋基打爆了 一舉攻下五分 終場以 9-4 擊敗洋基隊

10:05pm: A's broke the game open, winning 9-4, with Milton
Bradley's lead off tripple, and later with big hurt's, Frank Thomas',
base cleaning, below the home run yellow line, double.

A's took two game out of three from Yankees and have a winning series.


A switch-hitter with power, patience and speed that low in the lineup
could turn into a very beautiful thing for the hitters both in front and
behind him.

Indeed, and the Big Green Machine may
be the guy hitting down in the order a bit. Bradley had three
sensational at-bats Wednesday night in the series closer, won 9-4 by
Oakland, to illustrate just how dramatically things may change in 2006
with this A's offense.

"That's part of the Oakland A's philosophy, try to see a lot of pitches, a
walk is as good as a base hit," Bradley said. "Coming over here, that
was always the way I played anyway. I think that's why I'm a good fit
here with the A's."

Three good cases in point ...

-With the bases loaded in the fourth inning and the A's trailing 4-0,
Bradley patiently waited for his pitch and lashed it to the opposite field for
a two-run single. It was a great at-bat, not only because Bradley
waited for the one he wanted but he hit it where it was pitched.

-An inning later, with the bases loaded again, Bradley fell into a
quick 0-2 hole against New York starter Chien-Ming Wang but then
showed the discipline of a true hitter, watching four tempting balls go by
without offering and bringing home the tying run with a walk. A wild,
anxious hitter like Byrnes might have swung any one or all four pitches
off the plate. Karros? Who knows? Did he ever get a hit here?

-Finally, leading off the eighth inning of a 4-4 game, Bradley put a
cherry on an impressive first series with Oakland. He once again got
ahead in the count, this time 2-1 against hard-throwing veteran
right-hander Jaret Wright, then cracked a missile off the centerfield wall for
a triple that ultimately turned into the winning run.

"I thought that one was gone," Bradley said. "They told me the night air
takes the carry out of the ball, but I guess I had to find that out for myself."

Nonetheless, it was a sensational encore performance by Bradley to his
first two nights, when he had two hits in Monday night's opener and
Tuesday night initiated the winning ninth-inning rally with a four-pitch
walk in which he ultimately scored following a sacrifice on Marco Scutaro's game-winning hit.

A team can feel puny against the mighty Yankees, as the A's must have
following the 15-2 bludgeoning New York put on them in the season
opener. But with better pitching the final two games, the A's lineup got
to show its own stuff to impressive effect.


〈MLB〉隊友出包惹禍 王建民首戰做白工



王建民在婉拒經典賽中華隊的徵召後全心迎接大聯盟春訓,以便搶得開季先發定位,結果在Carl Pavano進傷兵名單、Jaret Wright也狀況不佳的情況下,順利取得球隊第3號先發重任。

雖是生涯首次面對運動家,但王建民前3局表現相當穩定,期間僅被擊出2支安打,也讓對手敲出雙殺打沒有失分。洋基打線則有發揮,松井秀喜與Gary Sheffield先後敲出陽春砲與3分彈,3局結束取得4比0的有利局面。

不過王建民的噩運才剛要開始,4局1出局1人在壘,Frank Thomas擊出內野滾地,但Derek Jeter雙殺未成反發生失誤,王建民對Dan Johnson投出保送形成滿壘,Milton Bradley擊出2分打點安打,運動家之後再以內野滾地取得第3分。

第5局運動家再以2支安打加保送於2出局時攻佔滿壘,但王建民面對Bradley的投球內容未獲主審青睞,使得Bradley硬凹到保送而將比分扳平,洋基被迫換下心情已受到影響的王建民。所幸Tanyon Sturtze守住城池,王建民雖未能取得勝投資格,但至少沒落的敗戰責任。

運動家先發投手Dan Haren經過前3局的亂流後逐漸穩定,4到6局未再失分,而兩隊平手局面也終於在第8局產生變化,洋基再次毀在自己手裡。

該局Bradley率先敲出首打席三壘打,洋基縮小防守圈本有機會防止失分,但Robinson Cano失誤失掉第5分,此後運動家士氣大振,之後再以保送與3支安打、包括Thomas的清壘二壘打追加4分,此時比數已來到9比4。洋基在運動家投手的封鎖下,最後6個半局僅出現2支零星安打、遑論得分。


Haren主投6局被擊出7支安打失4分,但狂飆8次三振沒有四死球出現,最終也與勝敗無關;最後登板的Joe Kennedy後援1又1/3局拿下勝投。

打擊方面,運動家全場敲出11支安打,Bradley與Thomas各貢獻3分打點表現最佳,Jason Kendall與Marco Scutaro也各有1分打點進帳。Sheffield為洋基打下3分打點,松井秀喜維持開季火熱狀態,揮出本季第2轟。


( 興趣嗜好運動 )
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