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Cash in and Cash out(II)! - Life is all about gambling !(PG30)
2006/02/16 06:38:11瀏覽776|回應3|推薦11

Continue from the article :"Cash in and Cash out!".

I believe your life is a even bigger game.

The things involved in your lives are not only money, chips, but also the quality of your lives, your social responsibility and the peace of your mind. When you measure all the pieces together, then you know how much you can, and should bet on.

Business is supposed to be a game for dream of your life, not just for the profits. You make money over money, and keep pursueing your dream. And the only time for you to cash out is when you don't see the company is bringing you to where you want to be. Same is life.

There will be many decisions you need to make, some small ones, some big ones. Keep focus on the most critical ones and bet carefully. For the small ones, just follow your heart, and leave them along, as long as you are able to take the outcomes. Even allow yourself to make some small mistakes, so what? The reason I wrote "Reflect of heart" and said that " I found myself hard to survive in that culture, too much 理性,too much 修身,and 宗法關係" was really how I felt about Taiwan. I was stressed out in the environment that people make you feel that you are not allowed to make any single mistake, not the best outcome through the whole process. To me, everything is about gambling, because you would never have control of everything. How to make sure the odds is always to your favor? It is a lesson to learn for the whole life.

( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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是連想的題外話, 不是要反駁什麼~~~
2006/02/16 11:34

" I found myself hard to survive in that culture, too much 理性,too much 修身,and 宗法關係" was really how I felt about Taiwan.


也許你說的對,也許不.   要看情形.

事實上,没人喜歡太多的社會制約和束縛,就我個人而言更可以說是討厭.  但是,如果,如果就是必須要接受環境的限制,没有逃避的方法和理由時,人們就得stuggle out, 為自己找出一條能指引方向的路,不論是生活上的,或心靈上的.


總之, 任何讓自己覺得可以做到的,讓自己身心自在又心安理得的方法都行, 都因人因環境而異

但是, 絕對絕對 反對自殺的念頭. 

Should we reverse?
2006/02/16 09:22
What you get is a life----what you give is a living.

What a gambling!
2006/02/16 08:57

What you get is a living----what you give is a life.