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新年到 : All I wanna do
2006/01/29 07:36:43瀏覽511|回應3|推薦13


但是, 新年到底該如何過, 與誰過?

其實, 新年

應該把它當成放道德, 理智, 一個假, 好好消遙的假期.

台灣, 真是到了天天把人壓地喘不過氣的地步.

新年, 應該是讓人好好休息, 放鬆的假期.

與親朋好友一起 盡情吃, 喝, 玩, 樂, 賭博, 讀經, 看電影, 聽音樂, 聊天 毫無禁忌

也許這樣, 大家更容易找到自己心之所嚮.


"All I wanna do is have a little fun.....

有人 曾告訴我: 要賺錢, 最成熟的時機, 是三十五到四十歲.

好幾年在日本與舊識清松在一通電話中談到, 現在的我們, 要對將來的社會負責.

其實 人生如能 "All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die,"


若一個社會 人人有此生活態度 社會仍能祥和 不就是人間仙境了

Party 去囉!


成長- 二十年前的今天 在中興號上的我 聽到ICRT 的新聞頭條: The fallen of two white women, an African American man, an Asian-American man and three white man.. 欲哭無淚 .接觸了幾次太空任務 以及一些雙子星 Apollo 計畫的長官 對 太空任務 太空計畫有更深的體會 They told me when I worked in the Nasa project: 1996-1-28 there was cold, then there was cold. 也許殉職的太空人是幸福的

Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do Lyrics

Hit it!
This ain't no disco
It ain't no country club either
This is LA!

"All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die,"
Says the man next to me out of nowhere
It's apropos
Of nothing
He says his name's William but I'm sure,
He's Bill or Billy or Mac or Buddy
And he's plain ugly to me
And I wonder if he's ever had a day of fun in his whole
We are drinking beer at noon on Tuesday
In a bar that faces a giant car wash
The good people of the world are washing their cars
On their lunch break, hosing and scrubbing
As best they can in skirts in suits

They drive their shiny Datsuns and Buicks
Back to the phone company, the record store too
Well, they're nothing like Billy and me, cause

All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
Until the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard

I like a good beer buzz early in the morning
And Billy likes to peel the labels
From his bottles of Bud
He shreds them on the bar
Then he lights every match in an oversized pack
Letting each one burn down to his thick fingers
before blowing and cursing them out
And he's watching the bottles of Bud as they spin on
the floor

And a happy couple enters the bar
Dangerously close to one another
The bartender looks up from his want ads


Otherwise the bar is ours,
The day and the night and the car wash too
The matches and the Buds and the clean and dirty
The sun and the moon but


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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Wish you luck
2006/02/01 20:08
everything will be right if doing it with the right person, that's what i want to do

all i wanna do...
2006/01/29 15:20

*sleep for 12 hours...

i usually go to sleep at 3:00 am...

but it's gonna be a pain for whoever waking me up for work the next day...

i loooooove ZZZ!

*relax for a minute!

waiting on the replies for colleges...

*eat a box of godiva chocolate...

expensive stuff...

All I Wanna Do is
2006/01/29 09:18

All I wanna do is have a little fun,
All I wanna do is sing a little song;
All I wanna do is dream a little dream,
All I wanna do is -- do nothing.