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喬治麥可呼麻駕駛判8週 獄中哭成淚人兒
2010/09/15 22:58:01瀏覽1736|回應0|推薦9




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照片來源:Sky News



喬治麥可呼麻駕駛判8週 獄中哭成淚人兒


〔本報訊〕英國歌手喬治麥可(George Michael)7月4日在吸食大麻後開車上路,還因此釀成車禍,事後他坦承擁有大麻,也承認過失。倫敦法院昨天判處他8星期的刑期、1250英鎊(約台幣6萬2500元)的罰款,以及吊銷駕照5年,這判決讓喬治麥可非常不能接受,還在獄中哭成淚人兒。


 麥可對此判決相當激動,因為他並沒有想到會需要坐牢,包括他自己和他的同志愛人肯尼葛斯(Kenny Goss)以及廣大在旁聽席的歌迷,都以淚水來回應這樣的判決。根據麥可的獄友表示,他在獄中寢食難安,不斷哭泣,還把眼睛都哭腫了。


資料來源: NOWnews 今日新聞網

「呼麻」撞車案被判入獄8周 歌手喬治麥可在牢裡痛哭!

2010/09/15 10:19


英國歌手喬治麥可「呼麻」後撞車一案,14日被倫敦 一處法院判囚8星期,罰款1250英鎊(約台幣6萬2500元)以及吊銷駕照5年。




這項判決顯然讓麥可相當意外,他本以為自己可以躲過牢獄之災。他長期的同志愛人葛斯(Kenny Goss)跟一大群歌迷坐在旁聽席上,聽到判決後雙手掩面,無法自己。歌迷們個個都成了淚人兒。

麥可隨後被收押。一名因超速罪坐牢的牢友希斯(Richard Hayes)說:「他(麥可)手足無措,坐立不安,簡直像失了魂似的。他不斷的自言自語說:『我不敢相信我會碰到這種事。』他像一個小孩子一般不斷哭泣,把眼睛都哭腫了。」


資料來源:Sky News

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George Michael Begins Prison Sentence

9:22am UK, Wednesday September 15, 2010

Katie Cassidy and Kat Higgins, Sky News Online

George Michael has begun an eight-week jail sentence for crashing his Range Rover while under the influence of cannabis.

A District Judge at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court in London told the singer he will spend four weeks in prison and the rest of the time on licence.

He was also banned from driving for five years and ordered to pay a £1,250 fine, £100 costs and a £15 victim surcharge.

Judge John Perkins told the 47 year old he had taken a "dangerous and unpredictable mix" of prescription drugs and cannabis.

He added: "It does not appear that you took proper steps to deal with what is clearly an addiction to cannabis.

"That's a mistake which puts you and, on this occasion, the public at risk."

He added that a jail term was inevitable because of Michael's previous conviction.

The court heard police found Michael, real name is Georgios Panayiotou, slumped at the wheel of his vehicle and "spaced out" after the accident on July 4.

Michael pleaded guilty last month to driving while unfit through drugs and possessing two cannabis joints.

In the July incident, the singer was driving home in the early hours of the morning when he mounted the pavement and crashed into a Snappy Snaps shop in Hampstead, north London.

Officers at the scene suspected the former Wham! star had taken drugs because he was sweating and had dilated pupils.

He was arrested and taken to Hampstead police station, where two joints were found on him.

Michael apologised to fans via his website, saying he had attended a London clinic for a detox programme.

The singer's defence team said in court on Tuesday that he had tried to turn his life around.

"It is no exaggeration to describe him as a very kind, considerate and loyal man, constantly concerned for the plight of others," Mukul Chawla QC said.

"The prospect he could have put anyone else in danger is an appalling prospect to him."

It was the third time Michael has faced a charge of driving while unfit through drugs.

He has also been cautioned for drugs possession, questioned over several minor accidents and, famously, fined for "engaging in a lewd act" in a California public toilet.


資料來源: Yahoo! Music

George Michael gets 8 weeks jail for drug driving

AP, Sep 14, 2010 12:13 pm PDT
George Michael was sentenced to eight weeks in jail and lost his license for five years Tuesday for driving under the influence of drugs when he crashed his car into a London photo shop.

A British judge told the wayward star his addiction to marijuana put him and the public at risk..

The former Wham! singer pleaded guilty last month to driving under the influence and possession of cannabis following a July 4 collision between his Range Rover and a Snappy Snaps store in north London..

District Judge John Perkins told the singer he had taken a "dangerous and unpredictable mix" of prescription drugs and marijuana..

"It does not appear that you took proper steps to deal with what is clearly an addiction to cannabis," the judge said. "That's a mistake which puts you and, on this occasion, the public at risk.".

Perkins sentenced Michael to the prison time and a 1,250 pound ($1,930) fine during a hearing at Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court..

The judge said Michael would have to serve four weeks of the sentence in prison and the rest on parole..

Michael arrived at court in a chauffeur-driven car, surrounded by four security guards and greeted by a large crowd of fans and photographers. He left with court guards who led him from the courtroom toward the cells, as one person in the public gallery sobbed..

According to police, Michael appeared "spaced out" when they found him sitting in the car, whose engine was still running, in the wee hours of July 4. He acknowledged smoking marijuana and taking a prescription sedative, prosecutors said..

It was the latest in a string of automotive and drug-related mishaps for the 47-year-old star, who has often spoken of his fondness for marijuana..

In February 2006, he was found slumped at the wheel of his car at London's busy Hyde Park Corner. That April, he hit three parked cars while trying to maneuver out of a parking space, and admitted being "a terrible driver.".

In October 2006, he was found slumped over the wheel of his car as it blocked an intersection. He pleaded guilty to driving while unfit through drugs and was sentenced to community service..

Michael's lawyer, Mukul Chawla, said the singer felt "profound shame and horror" at his actions..

"It is no exaggeration to describe him as a very kind, considerate and loyal man, constantly concerned for the plight of others," Chawla said. "The prospect he could have put anyone else in danger is an appalling prospect to him.".

The judge said he was sending Michael to jail "with regret," and had taken into account his guilty plea and the fact that after the crash he had checked into a clinic to seek help for anxiety, depression and insomnia..

But he said Michael's previous conviction made a prison sentence inevitable..

Michael sighed as sentence was passed. His long-term partner Kenny Goss buried his head in his hands..

Michael gained mega-stardom in his early 20s as half of Wham! and went on to a successful solo career. His first solo album, 1987's "Faith," sold 20 million copies..

In 1998, he was arrested for lewd conduct in a public toilet in Los Angeles after being spotted by an undercover police officer. Michael went on to release a single and video, "Outside," that poked fun at that arrest...


1. 2010/08/25 抽大麻後危險駕駛 喬治麥可認了

2. 2010/08/30 George Michael's apologies

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