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2010/10/04 20:38:42瀏覽3609|回應2|推薦19 | |
最近忙到爆 10月份只有6天待在辦公室 從今天開始到SGS上一個禮拜的ISO課程... 聽說每天下課後還有homework 現在才剛剛回到租屋處 homework還沒開始做ㄋㄟ 鳴鳴鳴...我今天到底要幾點才能睡覺ㄚ PS:因為還有homework要做,所以只能找幾篇相關新聞po囉 ------------------------------------- 資料來源:聯合新聞網 「重量級」獄友罩 喬治麥可免被蹂躪 喬治麥可獄中服刑有人罩,免於被性侵。路透資料照片 同志歌手喬治麥可坐牢,多虧有127公斤的搶劫犯獄友力挺,讓喬治麥可免於被霸凌甚至性侵。 英國「鏡報」(Mirror Daily)報導,喬治麥可因嗑藥駕車入獄,起初他被關進Pentonville監獄,據說被「整」得生不如死,隨即被轉送Category C Highpoint監獄,現在喬治麥可很享受獄中生活,因為有了私人保鑣,讓他免於被蹂躪。 報導指出,名叫哈德曼勞勃布雷許的受刑人,曾是「醜八怪」(Ugly)模特兒經紀公司的成員,因犯下搶劫等多起刑案,入獄服刑2年半。當他知道喬治麥可入獄,許多受刑人準備對喬治麥可「下手」,哈德曼放話:「誰敢對喬治麥可怎樣,我一定用同樣的手段反擊他。」 哈德曼身高190公分,體重127公斤,原本就是Highpoint的土霸王,有他「罩」喬治麥可,沒有人敢亂動。喬治麥可現在監獄裏快樂到不行,男友肯尼高斯探監還會帶「好康的」給哈德曼。 【2010/10/04 聯合報】 ------------------------------------- 資料來源: NOWnews 今日新聞網 我好怕…喬治麥可入獄 有「大哥」保護(2010/10/04 16:06) 影劇中心/綜合報導 喬治麥可在獄中,有黑道大哥Robert Bleach為他撐腰。(圖/取自網路) 英國歌手喬治麥可(George Michael)因「呼麻」後撞車被判刑8周,剛入獄時明顯不習慣,獄友說他像小孩一樣常在晚上哭泣,之後他從轉入另一家監獄,據說獲得獄中「大哥級」的保護。 47歲的喬治麥可7月4日在倫敦北部開車時,衝撞一家店後被捕,警方在他身上找到大麻,他出庭時坦承呼麻後開車,不但被判刑8周,還得繳1250英鎊(約台幣6萬2500元)的罰款和吊銷駕照5年,他至少在獄中服刑4周,接下來的刑期可以假釋。 而自從轉到Pentonville監獄後,喬治麥可遇到了「貴人」──名叫羅伯(Robert Bleach)的「大哥」已服刑2年半,非常痛恨欺凌弱小,他警告獄中所有暴力犯,如果有人對喬治動粗,「我是會幫他報仇的!」 這下喬治可開心了,一位獄友爆料,他一改初來乍到時的膽怯害怕,現在「有羅伯護著他。」還有消息指出,喬治想在出獄後雇用羅伯當保鑣呢。 ------------------------------------- 資料來源:光華電子新聞 佐治坐監獲大哥撐腰 二零一零年十月四日 下午三時二十三分 據香港《蘋果日報》報導,英國歌手佐治麥可(George Michael)早前因吸毒後駕駛被判入獄 8星期,入獄初期明顯不習慣,不時徹夜哭泣難以成眠,但後來已由倫敦的高設防監獄轉到Pentonville低設防監獄,現在又指佐治已獲監獄的大哥撐腰保護。 該名為Robert Bleach的大哥已服刑兩年半,一直討厭欺淩行為,他已警告所有暴力犯人若對佐治動粗他會有仇必報,據英國《星期日鏡報》指佐治轉新監倉如脫胎換骨,有獄友說:“佐治麥可初來報到時驚惶失措,其他犯人對他虎視眈眈,幸好 Bleach保護他。”佐治已敢於監獄走來走去識新獄友。有指佐治日後更打算請他當保鑣。 佐治麥可轉監倉後得到監獄大哥 Bleach(小圖)的保護,現已敢與其他囚犯打交道。 ------------------------------------- 資料來源: mirror.co.uk George Michael denies receiving special treatment in jail By Damien Fletcher 4/10/2010 George Michael has spoken out to fans from behind bars - denying that he has received special treatment in the nick.(photo) The 47-year-old singer, jailed for driving while under the influence of cannabis, also hit out at claims that he had been bullied in prison. In a statement through his lawyer he said: "I think it's only fair to my fans, family and friends to respond in some way, even though I will be home soon. "In the last three weeks there have been no tears, no anxiety, no bullying, in fact not so much as a sleepless night for me. "I have been treated with kindness by fellow inmates and prison staff alike and as far as I can tell, have received no special treatment of any kind whatsoever - unless some of the guys here are letting me win at the pool table. "Most of my days have been spent reading thousands of letters and postcards of incredible support form people around the world. I promise to repay their kindness with new music as soon as I can." The singer was jailed at Highbury Corner magistrates' court in London last month for eight weeks, fined £1,250 and banned from driving for five years. ---------------------------------- 延伸閱讀: 1. 2010/08/11 George Michael...Limited Edition Numbered Collectors Box Set 2. 2010/08/25 抽大麻後危險駕駛 喬治麥可認了 3. 2010/08/30 George Michael's apologies 4. 2010/09/15 喬治麥可呼麻駕駛判8週 獄中哭成淚人兒 5. 2010/09/16 George Michael Jailed For Eight Weeks For Drug Offences(電視新聞數則) 6. 2010/09/17 喬治麥可(George Michael)在牢房裡崩潰大哭 7. 2010/09/17 George Michael's boyfriend Kenny Goss says the singer's 'doing ok' 8. 2010/09/19 FAITH (REMASTERED) RELEASE POSTPONED
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