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2008/10/20 16:23:38瀏覽527|回應0|推薦0 | |
如果你是一位青少年高爾夫球選手或現在家裏有打高爾夫球的小孩,而且有雄心壯志並夢想有朝一日能打美巡賽,現在就應該深切體認並且自我要求或鼓勵他們做到下列幾件事情: 勤奮不懈苦練球技(HARD WORK) 想成為一個高爾夫職業球員,你務必投入大量的時間在練習上。這些你必須花時間去做的每件事情,包括從你長時間在練習場地的揮桿擊球與短桿練習到出了球場如何照料身體與心理方面的事情。 請記住,我們在電視看到的只是最終的產品,他們之所以會有這種高水準的比賽表現,其實都是來自於這些球員長期大量刻苦耐操勤練球技的結果。 To be a professional golfer, you must put the time in. This means everything from the time you spend at the practice facility with hours of ball striking and short-game shots to how you take care of your body and mind away from the course. Remember, on TV, we only see the final product. This level of play is a result of the tremendous amount of work these athletes have recorded over many years. 學習獨立自主管理 (INDEPENDENCE) 對任何運動,擁有一個強大支持的幕僚是很重要的,高爾夫球也沒有什麼不同。父母的支持對這些青少年高爾夫球員的追求夢想是非常重要的。然而這些青少年也必須瞭解到想把球打好仍有賴於自主管理事前做好各項準備工作同樣是相當重要的。如果你能這樣做(事前自主管理做好各項準備),你將會學到高爾夫球成功所需要的獨立性。經過這樣的過程所學到的教訓會有助於球員未來的發展,能否成功端賴於自己本身,沒有任何藉口。 Having a great support staff is important in any sport and it's no different with golf. It's important as a parent to be supportive of our kids as they pursue their dreams. However, it's also important these kids understand it is up to them to prepare to get the job done. Golf will teach anybody about the independence needed to be successful, if you let it. The lessons learned through this journey will only help shape the future of any athlete. There are no excuses, it's up to the player. 不斷累積比賽經驗 (TOURNAMENT EXPERIENCE) 從參加巡迴賽制的賽事中獲得比賽經驗,對於任何一位球員的發展而言是一個關鍵的組成要素。和朋友下場打球與參加巡迴賽制的比賽是截然不同的經驗,巴比‧瓊斯就說過:『有了高爾夫,然後是巡迴賽制的高爾夫。』就是 這個道理。你會學到很多有關自己在比賽狀況進入激烈競爭白熱化時的表現。竅門是不只是多去參加你有成功機會的比賽,也應該經常打打會讓你陷於艱苦競爭的賽事。青少年球員如何面對失敗是學習過程中非常重要的一環,並且這(係指面對失敗)也是他們的後援團隊(係指父母或其他參與的人)最能幫助這些青少年球員由負面心態轉為正面心態的地方。 Gaining experience in tournament play is a key component to any player's development. Playing with your friends is a completely different experience than playing in tournaments. As Bobby Jones said, "There is golf, and then there is tournament golf." You will learn a lot about yourself when the heat is on under tournament conditions. The trick is to play in tournaments where you can have success but also push yourself against stiffer competition from time to time. How a young player responds to failure is a critical part of the learning process and it is an area where his or her support team can be very helpful in turning negatives into positives. 在先前的幾篇文章中,筆者數度提到的卡米羅‧維耶加斯就是一個非常好的實例,他藉著參加無數大小比賽來不斷的成長自己,並且不僅顯示出刻苦操練的正面效果,也展現了這一位哥倫比亞年輕人在美國開創自己的路時的獨立性與良好的自主管理,以及他在大學球賽及不斷攀升排名的迷你巡迴賽中所獲得的豐富比賽經驗。對我們而言,維耶加斯在美巡賽贏得他全部所要的成功案例應該是個很好的鼓舞。 |
( 興趣嗜好|運動 ) |