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True color
2009/04/22 08:20:25瀏覽465|回應3|推薦9



Actually, everyone has his/her true color which may be shining through the darkness like the beautiful rainbow, which may be sparlking like starry stars or may be  twinkling like a smiling sun.

However, everyone has countless colors for uncountable emotions and many complicated feelings, such as accepted, rejected, abandoned, left out, criticized, lectured to, preached to, judged, discriminated against, mocked, appreciated, unappreciated, supported, unsupported, uncomfortable, optimistic, pessimistic, hopeless, discouraged, encouraged, afraid, respected, disrespected, motivated, unmotivated, free, controlled, obligated, burdened, needy, in control, out of control, validated, invalidated, competent, incompetent, jealous, sad, lonely, ignored, important, unimportant, proud, confident, worthy, deserving, unworthy, undeserving, excited, fulfilled, and rewarded.

Actually, everyone has his/her protective colors.
Having various faces toward different people, under different situations, at different places and at different time is like the protective colors of the chameleon which changes its skin colors all the time to fit the environment and prevents itself from being hurt. We can't change our skin colors but we have the right to express our complicated inner feelings on our faces. After all, we are emotional animals and those positive or negative feelings are inevitable in our lifetime and we should admit, examine, and discover the meanings behind are precious sensations in our inner world.

Those colorful emotions are like visitors who come and go easily and quickly. They could be regarded and welcomed as VIP guests and they could be treated friendly and nicely. Most important of all, they could be cherished as the unforgettable moments, and I can maintain good relationships with them as well. After all, they are parts of me, and they’ve contributed a lot to make me wiser, experienced, and complete.

Actually, be true to myself  and I will meet my true color with a bright smile.
Haha, just like having a box of crayons or color pens at hand, only when I  make good use of each unique color can I  color my life truly and beautifully.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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2009/04/22 15:30


we should admit, examine, and discover the meanings behind are precious sensations in our inner world.

這些情緒真的會跟隨我們一輩子,甚至變成下輩子的積習,慢慢學習接受它,把它們當我們最好的朋友,和平相處 , 自它們身上找出背後的意義,轉化為生命智慧,內心的顏色愈來愈鮮明會是我們豐富的感情世界,讓我們擁有多姿多彩的心靈世界


Happiness(s222460428) 於 2009-04-23 22:22 回覆:


真的是 令我感動的無言以對



the dreamer girl
nice picture
2009/04/22 11:32


I color my life with unique color!

the dreamer girl~~ 最新作品:

義大利- 維羅納(Verona) 下

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2009-04-23 22:13 回覆:

Yeah, you truly did, do and will do so.

I admire the way you manage your life--so brilliant, so colorful, so memorable, so unforgettable, so wonderful and so..............happy.

Wish you a great night.


from eyes or from heart
2009/04/22 10:11

hole in one

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2009-04-22 23:51 回覆:

Wow, impressive. So simple wordings with so deep meanings.

Thanks for your feedback. It takes time to meditate your meaningful between words.

Good night.