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Forest= for rest 休憩的森林
2009/04/01 21:05:37瀏覽379|回應0|推薦10



Forest can be divided into " For" and " Rest". Therefore, the forest-like words of daydreams are the paradise of happiness.

Haha, forest can be a place full of sounds of nature, a place full of vigorousness, a place of quietness, a place full of self-murmur or a place full of reflection.

Haha, forest can be a maze of tall trees, but the heart in settle is the compass which directs me the right way to be freed from the limitation of mine.

Haha, forest can be a paradise where I can take a rest and meditate for a while.

Haha, forest-like words are my daydreams, my self-murmur, my self-reflection, my self-talk, my own territory, my memories of the past, my contentment of the present, my expectation of the future, and of course, my happiness.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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