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2009/03/18 22:18:15瀏覽313|回應0|推薦4



Wonders happen when we return to the simple life style.

Only when we are in settle, not in a rush, the sounds of birds and the hopes of the seeds in the garden can be appreciated.

Now and then, here and there, up and down, left and right, full of wonders, full of hopes.

Dancing bees, flying birds, growing seeds, peeping insects, smiling flowers, floating clouds, blowing wind, full of wonders, full of joys, full of aspirations.

Everlasting wonders exist in the universe.

Returning back to the principle of simplicity brings us forever true beauty.

Surprising wonders are always here and there for you and me. 

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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