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You Know You're From Michigan When....
2008/09/06 03:46:33瀏覽656|回應0|推薦6

These are forward jokes from a friend. Thought they give a good idea what its like to be a hillbilly...oops, I mean a Michigander.

You know you're from Michigan when...

1. You show people where you're from by pointing to a spot on the back of your left hand. (Michigan looks like a mitten.)

2. The only place in the world can you experience all four seasons in one day.

3. You know what a 'party store' is. (a.k.a a liquor store.)

4. You've never met any celebrities.

5.  "Vacation" means going to Cedar Point (an amusement park in Ohio. an hour drive from detroit.)

6. At least one member of your family disowns you the week of the Michigan / Michigan State game. (college football games...)

7. Your idea of a traffic jam is 40 cars waiting to pass an orange barrel. (why? pls see #22)

8. Some of the change in your pocket is Canadian....eh? (and right now the exchange rate is 1:1)

9. You drive 80 mph on the highway and pass on the right. (been there, done that.)

10. You know how to play (and pronounce) Euchre. (hubby said its a card game. U-KER)

11. It's easy to get Vernor's ginger ale, Better Maid chips, Sanders hot fudge sauce, and Faygo pop. (matter of fact in Michigan, Vernor's = ginger ale)

12. You know how to pronounce "Mackinac." (it's mack-in-NAW. A city connects the mitten and upper peninsula. There is Mackinac Island where the movie Somewhere in Time was shot in the Grand Hotel. With Jane Seymore and Christopher Reeves in it. )

13. You've had to switch on the heat and the air conditioning in the same day.

14. You bake with SODA and drink POP.

15. The movie "Escanaba in Da Moonlight" wasn't funny. You consider it a documentary.

16. Your little league game was snowed out.

17. The word "thumb" has geographical rather than anatomical significance.

18. Traveling coast-to-coast means driving from Port Huron to Muskegon.

19. You measure distance in minutes.

20. When giving directions, you refer to "A Michigan Left." (translation: have a u-turn)

21. You know that Kalamazoo not only exists, but isn't far from Hell. (yup, they are 2 real cities.)

22. Your year has two seasons: Winter and Construction. (HA HA HA)

23. Home Depot on any Saturday is busier than toy stores at Christmas.

24. You know when it has rained because of the smell of worms.

25. When owning a Japanese car was a hangin' offense in your hometown. (we are 'the motor city'...'the motown.' remember?)

26. You believe that "down south" means Toledo.

27. Your idea of a seven-course meal is a six-pack and a bucket of smelt.

28. You know that Big Mac is something that you drive over.

29. You can see a car running in a parking lot with no one in it, no matter what time of the year.

30. You end your sentences with a preposition; example: "Where's my coat at?"

31. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, or animal. (for example, Traverse City's Cherry Festival in July...)

32. You think of the four major food groups as beef, pork, BBQ sauce and beer.

33. You carry jumper cables and snow chains in your trunk.

34. You design your kids' Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit. (Its chilly at night already by Halloween.)

35. Driving in the winter is better because the pot-holes are filled with snow.

36. Your favorite holidays are Christmas,Thanksgiving, and the opening of Deer Season. And you think Devil's Night is celebrated everywhere. (translation: Devil's Night = the night before Halloween. Kids come out and toilet paper your house or backyard.)

37. You have 10 favorite recipes for venison.

38. You learned to drive a boat before you could ride a bike.

39. You owe more money on your snowmobile than your car.

40. Your snowblower has more miles on it than your car.

41. Shoveling the driveway constitutes a great upper body workout. (thats right!)

42. You've ever used the word “bogue.”

43. The "Big 3" means either Ford, Chrysler and GM,
or Little Caesar's, Domino's, or Hungry Howie's.

44. You think alkaline batteries were named after a Tiger outfielder.

45. Your definition of a small Michigan town is one that doesn't have a lake.

46. You define summer as three months of bad sledding.

47. You attend a formal event in your best clothing, finest jewelry, and snowmobile boots.

48. The municipality buys a zamboni before a bus.

49. You have experienced frostbite and sunburn in the same week.

50. The orange barrel is considered Michigan's 'other' lighthouse.

51. Your snowmobile, lawn mower and fishing boat all have big block Chevy engines.

52. You expect Vernor's when you order ginger ale. (thats right!)

53. You know what a millage is.

54. Your car rusts out before you need the brakes done. (rusts from the salt on the road in the winter.)

55. Half the people you know say they are from Detroit... yet you don't personally know anyone who actually lives in Detroit. (matter of fact, people get scared if you said you are from the 'D'.)

56. "Up North" means north of Clare.

57. You occasionally cheer "Go Lions- and take the Tigers with you." (translation: Lions are our football team. Tigers baseball.)

58. Half the people you know work for the auto industry. (we do NOT have other industries anyway.)

59. You don't understand what the big deal about Chicago is.
(we are 6 hours from the Wind City. An hour to Toledo, where Katie Holmes was from before she became Mrs Cruise. And 8 hours from Toronto.)

60. Octopus and hockey go together as naturally as hot dogs and baseball. (a tradition by the Red Wings fans: an octopus thrown on the ice after a big win. Detroit is the Hockey town. We won the Stanley Cup last season.)

61. You know more about chill factors and lake effect than you'd EVER like to know!

62. You never watch the Weather Channel - you can just assume they're wrong.

63. The snow freezes so hard that you can actually walk across it and not break it or leave any marks.

64. All your shoes are called "tennis shoes", even though no one here plays tennis anyway. (Hmm, seems to me we only do boating on the lake or golfing in the summer.)

65. Your major school field trip includes camping and cross-country skiing.

66. Half your friends have a perfect sledding hill right in their own backyard. (sorry, except ours!)

67. You know Eminem and Kid Rock are NOT actually from Detroit, but Warren (a suburb) and a small farm town.

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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