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Easy for the Eyes
2008/07/29 00:00:28瀏覽510|回應2|推薦2

This all started last weekend at Green Apple when hubby took me to a brunch.

Green Apple is an all american deli place. It provides home made, big ass portion, nothing fancy but fills you right up, worth every penny you spend american food. The menu provides simple foods like, my favoriate breakfast special, eggs (3), sausages or bacon strips (3), whole wheet toast(2), and jumbo pancakes (3) for $3.99. With gas goes up to $4 a gallon, NO WAY can i buy all the eggs, sausages, bread and pancake mix for $3.99. Not to mention that somebody will cook them and then do the dishes for me.

In addition to the no nonsense home made food at Green Apple, its a family run business. The husband runs the stoves in the kitchen, the young wife waits on the customers, mother-in-law busts the tables and cleans the floor. There are also 4 to 5 middle aged waitresses wearing their green top and black bottom uniforms. They all are nice people. This is my kind of place -- nothing complicated -- what you see is what you get.

Until the last couple of times that I have noticed that they are hiring young girls to waitress and bust the tables. These girls look like 20 or 22 at most, blonde and cute, wear their green top uniforms with their jeans or, sometimes, shorts. When the time is tight, its good to see your favoriate restaurants are still in business. This means that you don't have to worry about looking for a new restaurant to satisfy your cravings because the old one is closed for business.

And I really enjoyed the new girl's services as well. They smile like its real. They look at you straight at the eyes. They talk to you in the tone of voice thats not rushing you. Their hair is cleaner and shinier. Beautiful blonde hair pinned up for a tiny pony tail. CUTE! And their green top too. They show the curves where you do not see the unnecessary bumps and handles. SMOOTH! And did I mention they wear jeans and shorts too? The muscle tones move underneath the jeans when they walk or change positions. NO DOUBT that they do some kind of workouts to obtain a body posture like that, I thought. They look just GREAT. healthy, energetic and breath of FRESH air.

I really liked these new girls that my eyes followed them around so much and one of them came to our table twice to ask me how the food is. Who really cares about food when the view is so easy for the eyes, REALLY?! I now understand why Hooters run their business the way they do. Who would mind to spend a few more bucks on food and drinks when they are served with a GREAT VIEW?!

Just when I enjoyed the new changes in the restaurants, there came in the old customers. I mean OLD customers. An old couple. There this husband has a big belly sticking way out with a belt so tight that his shorts go way up almost to his chest. HECK. Then the wife wears her shorts showing skinny match stick legs with bad vericose veins like blue spiders/snakes crawling all over, droopy skin tones and loose cellulite at the back of the leg, then goes straight up to a big fat belly and boobs. Oh, that fake tanning to make her look very orange and pruny. GOSH, this old couple really HURT my eyes. I blinked for a few seconds and moved my eyes back to my plate.

There was my wake up call at Green Apple. I can be lean and toned just like the girls if I listen to Dr. Bragman and not trying to look for excuses for myself. Or I can walk around like an old prune with cellulite loaded flabs hanging all over.

I can be easy for the eyes or too harsh to handle.

I digged out my yoga mat from the corner of the closet that afternoon and finished one hour power yoga exercise for the first time since 2005.

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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My hubby and I are always surpirsed
2008/07/30 17:56
at how big a food portion is in America. That is why people are so big there. I gained more than 10 kgs when I was studying in the US.
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2008-07-30 23:36 回覆:

i will NOT be surprised if americans are the fattest people on earth.

Easy for the mind...
2008/07/30 05:44

Haha!  Your article is definitely "easy for the mind".  Great writing!

I am a little surprised that cute girls are "esay for the eyes" for folks of the same sex as well. 

purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2008-07-30 23:32 回覆:

you bet! *wink*