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2023/09/01 12:22:27瀏覽748|回應2|推薦99 | |
賜平安的主 Prince of peace… In the rush of the world around me, let me stand quietly in the shelter of your love… 當我在周遭熙熙攘攘的世界 請讓我默默地 在你愛的避難所中站立 Teach me to be more concerned about what I am than what I do. more inclined to pray than to push, and as eager to worship as I am to work… 教導我更重視 我的身分而非我的行為 更常禱告而非急急忙忙 教導我敬拜和工作一樣熱切 Fill me, Lord, with peace at the center of my soul in whatever circumstances I find myself… 主啊,不論我處於任何環境 求你用我靈魂中心的愛來充滿我 Bless me, Lord, with the peace that comes from knowing I don’t have to struggle to reach you, I don’t have to succeed to please you– I don’t have to do anything but belong to you and accept the love and the peace you want to give. 主啊,求你賜我平安 因為我知道 我不必掙扎就能摸著你 我不必為成功而討你喜悅 我什麼都不必做,就能屬你 並接受你要賜予的 愛與平安。 ~ B.J. Hoff, Thorns and Thrones |
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