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NBA 2K21: New Gameplay Trailer Released
2020/08/07 16:43:03瀏覽83|回應0|推薦0

nba 2k21 coins It's been a weird year for the NBA which is just now back up and running thanks to a hub in Orlando Florida. And as the reinvigorated season dribbles closer to playoffs many of us are still in isolation or just plain working from home but have likely craved live sport all year (thank you AFL) with not much on the menu. So nba 2k21 mt for sale having this baby in your hands despite what the future might look like or hold gives us something from a sports perspective. Amd with visuals this close to the real thing... well just see for yourself:

As always at 2K communication around the next NBA 2K is focused on a straight line which will lead us to the game's release in just under a month. The developers are planning in the meantime a multitude of announcements related to gameplay whether in the field or for the different game modes including the famous MaCARRIERE which focuses on the performance of your own avatar.

In the last third lettering about Berlin Athens and Barcelona ​​among others is faded in - the inserts could indicate internationalization in the upcoming title. The basic message is conveyed right from the start: "Lights went out. Arenas were silent. But the game never stopped." While the NBA recently celebrated its restart after a Corona break 2K Games is now offering a new simulation experience. "Everything is Game" stands for the developer's objective: "A unique immersion in all facets of NBA basketball and basketball culture."

The September 4 launch for NBA 2K21 on current-gen is fast approaching and today's trailer is just the first of many gameplay-related announcements that will be rolling out through the upcoming weeks. Expect to see new information on gameplay MyTEAM MyCAREER and more in the coming weeks.

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