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New tools have been added to the Swiss Army knife in Windows 10
2020/04/02 16:17:23瀏覽127|回應0|推薦0

Windows 10 Home CD Key We recently wrote about the fact that in the next release of PowerToys we are expected to come across the Image Resizer tool again which as its name suggests allows you to quickly resize images. That's right in the just-released PowerToys 0.16 Image Resizer takes the form of an extension to the Windows interface all you have to do is select the image (s) you want to resize in File Manager or any folder window right-click on the selection in the shortcut menu that appears select Resize Images and then specify the action parameters in the dialog box.

Another interesting feature of the updated package is Windows Walker which is an alternative to the popular Alt-Tab key combination used to switch between applications. It simply works by typing the name of the program in the search box called up with the Ctrl-Windows key to switch to a running program and then clicking on the desired program in the list of results that appears. The new feature is useful when a lot of applications are running as it is easier to get cheap Windows 10 Key Code to the program you want in this way than to play the piano through the applications with the Alt-Tab combination.

The new PowerToys also includes the FancyZones module which allows you to create window layouts that make your job easier. What's new includes improved support for a simplified interface and multiple monitors.

In PowerToys 0.16 developers have also fixed over a hundred bugs.

- Our main goal with version 0.16 was to add new features and improve quality and stability. We are currently working to have PowerToys updated automatically. Thanks to the community for quickly finding some bugs in the 0.15 release allowing us to quickly release versions 0.15.1 and 0.15.2 read Microsoft's bulletin.

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