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Temtem blocked the first wave of unscrupulous players
2020/03/05 10:31:33瀏覽94|回應0|推薦0

buy Temtem Pansun The multiplayer game Temtem with a concept reminiscent of Pokemon was a pleasant discovery at the beginning of the year and over the past two weeks has been the leader in Steam's sales ranking. The project attracted the attention of a large audience and at the same time unscrupulous users who used third-party software or found vulnerabilities to gain an advantage. The developers of Crema have already blocked the first wave of such scammers.

The authors told about the cleaning carried out on the official Twitter Temtem: “We just managed the first batch of player locks. Nearly 900 users are permanently denied access to Temtem. The bans are final we will not consider appeals and decisions on blocking. Temtem Pansun for saleThe team is 100% sure that each person from this number is either a fraudster or intentionally exploited vulnerabilities in the game. ”

Temtem was released in Steam Early Access on January 21 2020. The project received 13,122 reviews 89% of which are positive. Among the advantages users note combat mechanics stylistics attack animations and many other elements but emphasize the presence of technical errors.

If you need cheap Temtem Pansun come to z2u.com and they will provide you with the best service.

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