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"World of Warcraft: Malfurion" already in bookstores
2020/02/27 14:39:44瀏覽75|回應0|推薦0
buy World of Warcraft Classic Gold Get ready for a delicious dish straight from the world of Craft of War served by Richard A. Knaak, a writer known and liked by the warcraft community, author of, among others, "Dragon Day" and the legendary trilogy of "War of the Ancients". Now he is back to tell the fate of the old and new heroes in the Blizzard Legends series.

The day has come when everyone will be forced to face their greatest fears. Hidden until now in the farthest recesses of the subconscious, phobias come at the call of the Nightmare Lord to gain not only a sleepy dimension, but also to extend his reign to the waking world.

The crafty claws of the Emerald Nightmare will capture every dreamer. Regardless of whether it rests peacefully behind thick walls in the safe chambers of Wichrogród, or deep underground in the seat of the undead Forsaken. cheap World of Warcraft Classic Gold A mortal, a dragon or even a demigod will not be able to overcome the threat without the help of druids. However, many of these brave wildlife guards also failed, and their leader - the legendary Malfurion Burzogniewny - was captured and became the personal prisoner of the Nightmare Lord himself.

Now the fate of the archdruid, and with him all of Azeroth, rests on the shoulders of his beloved priestess of the moon goddess Eluna, Tyrande Whisper of the Wind, ready for anything to save her beloved. However, the path he has to travel covers many dangers, and the Nightmare Lord, to whom even someone as powerful as Malfurion has succumbed, will not give up his spoil easily. To make matters worse, the night elf tirelessly follows the orc warrior rushed with a sense of revenge and a desire to fulfill the promise made to his deceased relative. Does its goal coincide with the Tyrande mission or is it contradictory to it? Which of the women will manage to reach the imprisoned druid first and what will she bring him? Salvation or doom?

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