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Call of Duty Mobile already has a world tournament
2020/04/27 14:34:55瀏覽80|回應0|推薦0

COD CP Points Activision has announced an alliance with Sony Mobile to launch Call of Duty: Mobile World Championship a world tournament in which only the best will meet since one of the requirements to participate is to have at least veteran rank in ranked matches.

The tournament will begin on April 30 and within what little is known so far the prize pool is one million dollars.

We also have that Epic Games has announced the Fortnite Championship Series Invitational tournament in which players from the United States Brazil Europe Asia Oceania and the Middle East will face each other.

The competition will start on May 9 will take place over three consecutive weekends and the prize pool will be two million dollars.

On the other hand EA Sports and ESPN began broadcasting content from the Madden NFL 20 Bowl a tournament in which the winner will make donations to fight the epidemic of COVID-19 and whose first matches can be seen through the ESPN Twitch and YouTube. buy Call of Duty Points Modern WarfareThe accumulated bag is 220 thousand dollars.

The semifinals and finals of the tournament will be broadcast live on ESPN2 as well as on Twitch and YouTube on May 16.

Finally we have that Torque Esports formed an alliance with Eurosport so that through the latter's network in more than 150 countries the Race All-Star Series can be seen a virtual racing event in which professional pilots compete against simulator experts

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