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Windows 10 introduced full-screen ads. You can turn it off for now
2020/03/17 15:38:50瀏覽88|回應0|推薦0

Windows 10 CD Key Windows 10 began to display advertisements in full screen on top of other applications. In them Microsoft encourages the use of its various products. This ad can still be turned off but Microsoft has experience implementing banners in its OS  which is impossible to get rid of.

Microsoft has integrated full-screen advertising in Windows 10. It appears on top of all other running programs and open folders and becomes part of the system automatically without user permission.

According to the information of the Windows Latest resource the system receives a new cheap Windows 10 CD Key“function” along with one of the latest scheduled update updates released in February and March 2020. As you know in Windows 10 you cannot disable automatic updating through settings - only using third-party programs.

At the time of publication of the material it was not established what the algorithm for the appearance of a full-screen banner was and what kind of user actions caused it to appear.

In February 2020 advertising became part of the Start menu as part of stable versions of Windows 10. Microsoft monitored the presence of installed third-party browsers in the system and offered to switch to the updated Edge which in April 2019 changed the proprietary EdgeHTML engine to Chromium.

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