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巴倫西亞語翻譯 7、複合詞與縮略詞 The results obtained must be cheeked . The switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened three times. 3、副詞 而非某一行為。《現代英文語法》(A Grammar of Contemporary)在闡述科技英文時提出,大量利用名詞化結構(Nominalization)是科技英文的特點之一翻譯因為科技體裁要求行文簡練、表達客觀、內容確切、訊息量大、強調存在的事實。 It appears that you’ve got the offer of a very good job. 傳聞有個很好的工作要翻譯公司去做翻譯 criss-cross交叉著(雙詞合成副詞) The forces due to friction are called frictional forces. She was of a helpless翻譯社 fleshy build, with a frank, open countenance and an innocent, diffident manner. Her eyes were large and patient翻譯社 and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress as only those who have looked sympathetically into the countenances of the distraught and helpless poor know anything about. 在施工過程中,常會泛起需要改變設計的問題。
I don’t want to. 不想做翻譯 名詞化構造the rotation of the earth on its own axis 使複合句簡化成簡單句,並且使表達的概念加倍確切周密翻譯 地球繞軸自轉,引發日夜的變化。 A body can more uniformly and in a straight line,there being no cause to change that motion. 根據上述的科技文章,在翻譯>過程當中就要注意各種不同的翻譯>技巧與方
Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental conditions. If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler翻譯社 the heat loss, can be considerably reduced. 任何作品均有特定的體裁,原文的文體分歧,翻譯>方式也隨之而異翻譯請窺察下列幾個片段的原文及其譯文:
翻譯>:若是沒有改變物體活動的緣由,那麼物體將作勻速直線活動。 這是小說中的一段對說,屬於白話體裁翻譯其特點是:用詞自由,句法構造簡單,短句與省略句多,天然樸實,生涯氣味濃厚翻譯在譯文中進一步體現中文口語的特點,省去主語"你"、"天成翻譯公司";將英文的一個句子I don’t think so.乾脆翻譯>成一個字"不",顯得簡潔有力。
翻譯>:電腦可分為類比電腦和數位電腦兩種。 4、單個分詞,但仍連結校強的動詞意義。 電視經由過程無線電波發射和接受活動物體的圖像翻譯名詞化結構the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves 強調客觀事實,而"謂語動詞則著重其發射和接受的能力。 2、形容詞及形容詞短語翻譯 Electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed as light. TELESAT(telecommunications satellite )通訊衛星(混成法組成的縮略詞)
該廠獨一可用的燃料是煤。如許的裝配稱之為電容器,其儲存電能的能力稱為電容翻譯電容的測量單位是法拉翻譯 We can store electrical energy in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. We call such a device a capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy capacitance .It is measured in farads.
Vibrating objects produce sound waves ,each vibration producing one sound wave.
有的長句多達七八個詞,以下即是一例。 六、長句
on-and-off-the-road路面越野兩用的(多詞合成形容詞) 由於摩擦而產生的力稱之為磨擦力。 翻譯>:電磁波傳送的速度和光速溝通。 maths (mathematics)數學(裁減式縮略詞) Why not? 為什麼不做?
它們都包含了較多的資料,而且處於句首的位置,很是醒目翻譯四個主語完全不同,避免了單調反複,前後聯貫,自然流暢翻譯足見被動佈局可收簡練客觀之效翻譯 翻譯>:明顯,潤滑好的軸承,比不潤滑的軸承容易動彈。 這一段短文中各句的主語分別為: It was not until the 19th century that heat was considered as a form of energy. work-harden 加工硬化(雙詞合成詞)
colorimeter色度計(無連字元複合詞) The range of a voltmeter may be extended by means of a series resistor called a multiplier as shown in Fig.2.The full-scale reading of the meter alone may be 15volts.With the multiplier 250volts may be required to move the pointer to full-scale, 135 volts across the multiplier and 15volts across the meter. 獲得的成果必須加以校訂翻譯
翻譯>:為了解釋光學現象,人們曾試圖假定有一種具有與彈性固體相同的物理性質的介質。這類子嘗試的成果,最初曾令人們瞭解到一種能傳輸橫向振動的具有上述假定所以認為的那種物理性質的發光介質。 科技英文翻譯>的技能 Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies.
anti-armoured-fighting-vehicle-missile反裝甲車導彈(多詞合成名詞) Computers may be classified as analog and digital. 向上的力與向下的力相等,所以氣球就連結在這一高度。 新型電晶體的開關時候縮短了三分之二翻譯(或---縮短為三分之一。) cpd (compound)化合物 lab (laboratory)實行室
A wonderful job. 挺好的工作翻譯 In this factory the only fuel available is coal. full-enclosed 全封閉的(雙詞合成形容詞) 本文已同步發佈到「糊口點滴」feed-back回饋(雙詞合成名詞) The force upward equals the force downward so that the balloon stays at the level. In communications, the problem of electronics is how to convey information from one place to another. I don’t think so. 不翻譯
翻譯>:構造材料的選擇應使其在外界前提中連結其彈性。 ft (foot/feet)英尺
It has been proved that induced voltage causes a current to flow in opposition to the force producing it. 1、大量使用名詞化構造 科技英語文所表述的是客觀紀律,因之要儘量避免利用第1、二人稱;另外,要使首要的資料置於句首。爐壁採用耐火磚可大大降低熱損耗。 這也是普遍使用被動態的主要原因。因此儘量利用第三人稱敍述,採用被動語態,例如:Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.該當注意機械的工作溫度。這是因為科技文章偏重敍事推理,強調客觀準確。 二、廣泛使用被動語句 radiophotography無線電傳真(無連字元複合詞) Are you going to take it? 籌算做嗎? Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.
There are different ways of changing energy from one form into another. During construction翻譯社 problems often arise which require design changes. This steel alloy is believed to be the best available here .
大量利用複合詞與縮略詞是科技文章的特點之一,複合詞從過去的雙片語合發展到多片語合;縮略詞趨向於肆意構詞,例如某一篇論文的作者可以就僅在該文中利用的術語構成縮略詞,這給翻譯工作帶來一定的困難翻譯例如: The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. 5、定語從句 翻譯>:將能量從一種情勢改變成另外一種情勢有各類分歧的方式。
翻譯>:直流電是一種老是沿統一偏向活動的電流。 SCR(silicon controlled rectifier )可控矽整流器 一雙大而的和婉眼睛,裡邊埋沒著無限的苦衷,只有那些對於悽惶無告的窮鬼臉孔作過同情觀測的人材看得出來。"and in then dwelt such a shadow of distress"長短常美麗活潑的文學說話,譯文連結了一風格。上面五十一個詞的片段,就應用了十個形容詞,占五分之一。 那婦人生著一副綿軟多肉的體格,一張坦率開誠的面龐,一種無邪羞澀的神氣。 A direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction. It is evident that a well lubricated bearing turns more easily than a dry one. 翻譯>:人們認為這種合金鋼是這裏能供應的最好的合金鋼。 試對照下列各組句子。三、非限定動詞翻譯 In making the radio waves correspond to each sound in turn翻譯社 messages are carried from a broadcasting station to a receiving set.
翻譯>:使無線電波順次對每個聲音作出響應轉變時,資訊就由廣播電臺傳遞到領受機。 FM(frequency modulation)調頻(用首字母構成的縮略詞) P.S.I. (pounds per square inch)磅/英寸 法。例如被動態的翻譯、長句的處理方法、倍數的翻譯>等等。 MONTREAL-Clark Johns accomplished a spectacular debut for his NHL career tonight, the first score launching a four -point first period out burst, to lead the Johnson City High Hats to a 6:4 victory over the Montreal Teals and their eighth consecutive game without a loss. 阿基米德最早成長固體排水的原理。句中of displacement of water by solid bodies 系名詞化構造,一方面簡化了同位語從句,另一方強調displacement 這一事實。 以上資料來曆:碩博翻譯社>
The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led, in the first instance, to the understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transverse vibrations, and at a later stage to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium having the physical character assumed in the hypothesis. It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting. 翻譯>:看來這兩個科學分支是彼此依存,相互感化的。
1、介詞短語 4、後置定語 翻譯>:熱量由地球輻射出來時,使得氣流上升。 科技文體崇尚嚴謹周到,概念準確,邏輯性強,行文精練,重點凸起,句式嚴整,少有轉變,經常使用前置性陳說,即在句中將主要訊息儘量前置,經由過程主語傳遞首要資訊。現分述以下: 科技文章文體的特點是:清楚、準確、精練、周密。 從上述的一段科技文章,不難看出其體裁與修辭手段與前面羅列的文藝小說,新聞報道等迥然分歧。那麽,科技文章的說話佈局特點在翻譯>過程當中若何處置懲罰,這是進行科技英文翻譯>時需要探討的問題。 Radiating from the earth翻譯社 heat causes air currents to rise. 文章出自: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/nathan6666/post/1313880591有關各國語文翻譯公證的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯公司02-77260931 |
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