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2009/04/02 19:00:26瀏覽1483|回應0|推薦9 | |
(考試沒教的事》第三課:表達與應對 【聯合報╱記者梁玉芳】2008/08/29 ) 會說話,能如實、得體地表達自己。 訓練基本能力,包括起碼的口語表達、應對禮節。 說話的措辭、應對的分寸,從小就該學。 說話修鍊術 : 散文家廖玉蕙認為,懂得說話,這是現代人必學的一門科際整合的課, 起碼包括:(1) 環境的觀察 (2) 對人性的理解 (3)專業知識 (4) 自信 (5)足夠的語彙 (6) 邏輯清楚 (7)用對方能懂的語言 (8) 能考量說了的後果。 ============================================================= 演講訓練 : (a) http://www.best-speech-topics.com/index.html (b) http://www.allspeechtopics.com/ At best-speech-topics.com you’ll find ideas for three of the most popular types of speech topics: demonstration speeches which teach your audience how to do something, informative speeches which convey information on your chosen topic and persuasive speeches which encourage your audience to come over to your way of thinking or to take action. You'll also find ideas for other types of speech topics such as, opinion, controversial, expository and more as this site grows. I’m hoping that best-speech-topics.com will spark your imagination and help you to find perfect speech topics for all your public speaking engagements or classroom assignments. 學習運用偉大領導者演說的4大要素,精心規畫你的內容:1.偉大的形象、2.令人矚目的事件、3.引人入勝的訊息、4 精彩絕倫的呈現。 (大師輕鬆讀330期, 出刊日期:2009-05-27) TED: Ideas worth spreading : Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world. Academic Earth - Video lectures from the world's top scholars |
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