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Make No Mistake
2008/06/25 14:09:05瀏覽4482|回應2|推薦24

知道事情的真相之後,她驚呆了  幾乎完全沒有辦法回過神來:人生怎麼可以開她這樣的玩笑?這世界還有什麼是可以信賴的?


 她和 A 相識多年,是辦公室裡最知心的朋友,當年兩人一起考進公司,是最年輕的「美眉」級小可愛,一晃眼,十多年過去了,她們也從菜鳥變成了老鳥,經歷過多次公司裁員、資遣風潮,友誼愈來愈好。



 最近一年,兩人一起上日文課,A 還說呢,這次是真的下定了決心一定要把日文學好;果然,這兩人平常沒事就在辦公室裡用日文對話,還鬧得辦公室嘻嘻哈哈的;看得出來,這兩個女生真的感情很好。再加上,兩人一直未婚,更有了一種「革命情感」。 

 事情在半年多前有了一點變化。相對於 A 對婚姻、感情隨緣的態度,她其實一直很想嫁人,對相親之類的活動,也表現得比A積極多了,透過朋友介紹,她真的交了個男友,A 當然見過對方、也表示祝福:「不錯啊  我覺得這個男人蠻好的」,語多鼓勵。

 雖有男友,但每次上課、下課,她還是習慣跟 A 一起,並沒有要男友陪伴。不過,有了男友,她的心思有一大半飛去了他那裡,變得不愛加班,上班時三不五時偷偷上 MSN,當然── A 抬摃、聊天的機會少了。

 不知為什麼,後來 A 下了班總顯得很忙,日文課常常缺課,問起來,A 總是淡然,沒有多做解釋;她心想,兩人感情這麼好,一下子她有了男友,大概A不太適應吧  所以,也由著A去,不再多問了,該上課的日子,她還是繼續去上,還幫 A 把講義帶回來。

 A 上課請假的日子,她只好一個人去上課,有時想,既然A沒來,不妨請男友來接送她下課,但奇的是,大部時間,男友卻總是說忙,沒時間什麼的;她向來獨立慣了,既然男友沒有時間,那也無所謂,況且,她最不喜歡勉強別人,上班族,誰不忙呢?討生活要緊吶,她一直是個體恤的女人。 


 那天,快下班前,A 放在桌上的手機響了,A 正好去洗手間,她並沒有要代接的意思,只是因為熟悉手機的鈴聲,就本能地往A 的桌上瞥去,這一眼,看得她滿腹狐疑──手機來電顯示了一個她熟悉的電話號碼;三分鐘前,她才和這號碼的主人通過話,對方告訴她:「今天要加班欸,那妳──妳就自己去上課囉」。

  然而,為什麼,這同樣的電話會出現在 A 的手機上?她從來不知道,男友與 A 之間有聯絡、有‧交‧情?他們,會互通電話?基於一種神祕的敏感,A 回座位後,她也並沒有問起這件事情,只是再一次問她:「妳  今天的課,還是不去?」 A 回說是,辦公室裡還有點事要忙,之類的;她覺得,A 說話時,刻意避開了她的眼光。 


 下班後,她直接走進辦公室對面的一間 coffee shop,選了個靠窗的位子,心神不寧地等待著  很矛盾,直覺會看見什麼,又害怕真的看見了那樣的場景。


 她的視線模糊;決堤在 coffee shop  裡。

  事情是在何時、如何發生的,她完全沒有一點靈感。她曾經介紹過 A 與男友認識,兩人當時也只是禮貌性地閒談,完全看不出會有後面的故事出現。

她該直接問男友,還是直接問 A ?還是  或者是  退場,以成就別人? 



Make No Mistake, He's MineBarbra StreisandKim Carneshttp://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=LgTsxA10YEw

Don't call him up anymore
Cause I don't wanna hear your voice
I don' t wanna see your face
Answer his door
Make no mistake he's mine he's mine, he's mine

He only knows how I feel
I only know what he's like
When he needs me
Oh how he needs me
Deep in the night
Make no mistake
He's mine, He's mine, he's mine

Don't get to close when you dance

Cause I don't wanna hear from my friends

You were out on the town
There in his arms ( there in his arms)
There in his arms ( there in his arms)
Don't include him in you dreams ( I wanna be in his dreams)
Cause I don't wanna close my eyes (my eyes)

I don't wanna know where he goes
Each might when he leaves ( leaves)
Make no mistake (make no mistake)
He's mine (he's mine) He's mine ( he's mine)
He is mine........

Don't call him up anymore


Don't call him up anymore.....





( 創作小說 )
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waste no time
2008/06/26 08:51

The notion that “I know him prior to anybody else,so he is mine” is absolutely absurd.   She needs to understand that she is his girl friend,not his wife,therefore, legally speaking he could sleep with any woman he wants. Even if she is his wife, things like that may still happen to her. That's the reality a lot of single women or women in love or married women must face. In some cases,the discovery of infidelity may stimulate the couple to work together to improve their relationship, but if that's not the case, she should end the relationship immediately to avoid further damage.

Before confronting either him or A, she needs to calm down and figures out why did he do that to cheat on her? She needs to know what is the nature of the affairs?(I assume that he has already had sex with both her and A) How much does she know him? Does she know his previous romance and how he ended his relationship with each woman he was with? Does he have a very big “appetite” for women and more women?   Is he a flirtatious man?   Is he a man who sees nothing wrong with an occasional sex with somebody else rather than his girl friend or his spouse?   Is A a more attractive woman than her?   Is A a better “communicator” than her? Does A fit him better than her?   She should use her head,not her emotion to have the issues solved.

Keep in mind that the combination of bitterness and jealousy could trigger extreme hatred and might lead to a tragic ending!

2008/06/25 14:15



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