5 分鐘 - 2008年3月2日 - 上傳者:Heavenender Every time you say goodbye It breaks my heart a little And for every time I've made you cry You know I die a little music + lyrics ...youtube.com - 相關影片
奪得柏林影展三項大獎鉅片.時而氣派遼闊 時而悠揚空靈的豐富電影配樂
擔任電影配樂的亞曼.阿瑪,最著名的配樂作品是為執導過《焦點新聞(Z)》希臘裔導演柯斯達加華斯 (Costa-Gavras)的《阿門》(Amen),配合電影的時空背景與主題,優美的旋律在管絃樂團的伴奏下,時而氣派地呈現出遼闊史詩風格,時而搭配空靈女聲悠揚回蕩,即使沒有影像的加強,光聽音樂已經夠豐富飽滿了。片尾曲《每一次》(Every Time)由新生代男歌手馬修.庫派特演唱為整張原聲帶劃下完美的句點。
Every Time (Love Song)
Every time you say goodbye
It breaks my heart a little
And for every time of made you cry
You know I die a little
Because I love you...
I love you like the thunder loves the lightning...
Like the wind loves the rain
Every time you say goodbye
I see the love is...
I see the love is a strenght and a weakness
And for every time I've made you cry
I feel the tenderness
And the love that's between us
Oh when you're walking in the shadow of the valley
Oh I'll be walking right beside you
To take the darkness away
Oh when you're walking in the shadow of the valley
I'll be walking right beside you
To take the darkness away...away...
Every time you say goodbye
It breaks my heart a little
And for every time of made you cry
You know I die a little
Because I love you...
I love you like the thunder loves the lightning...
Like the wind loves the rain
Oh when you're walking in the shadow of the valley
Oh I'll be walking right beside you
To take the darkness away
Oh when you're walking in the shadow of the valley
I'll be walking right beside you
To take the darkness away
...away...away... x 2