這是一首既超現實又平靜的曲子,整首歌至今仍是個謎,除了歌詞隱晦,編曲神祕之外,甚至連歌名都不知道該怎麼翻,我暫時把它稱為:"蒼白中的朦朧幽暗"。Procol Harum:A Whiter Shade of Pale (1967)
這是一首非常"古典"的流行歌曲,來自一個標榜復古與隱喻的英國樂團。除了節奏沉穩明顯之外,高傲又疏離的唱腔讓整首曲子顯得格外孤寂,尤其是主奏的傳統風琴給人一種神聖高雅與懷舊寧靜的感覺... 這首歌的旋律也是個謎,給人一種"宿命輪迴"的感覺。有人說創作靈感取材自巴哈的清唱劇"從沉睡中甦醒(Sleepers wake)",也有人說像巴哈的"G弦之歌(Air on G String)",仔細聽聽好像兩首都有,但又找不到具體的片段...
We skipped the light fandango 我倆跳著輕盈的方丹戈舞步 Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor 優雅地環繞著舞池 I was feeling kinda seasick 我感到有些暈船 But the crowd called out for more 但人群不斷喝采 The room was humming harder 整個房間越來越鼓噪 As the ceiling flew away 連天花板都要掀了 When we called out for another drink 當我們另外又點了一些飲料時 The waiter brought a tray 侍者端了托盤過來
And so it was that later 然而過一會兒之後 As the miller told his tale 這磨坊的主人開始訴說他的故事 That her face, as first just ghostly 忽然間 她的臉龐如鬼魅般驚恐 Turned a whiter shade of pale 慢慢轉變為一抹蒼白的朦朧幽暗
She said, there's no reason 她說這一切都沒有道理 And the truth is plain to see 然而真相卻顯而易見 But I wandered through my playing cards 但我此時盡情於牌桌 And would not let her be 為了不讓她成為 One of sixteen vestal virgins 那個獻身於某種神話的祭品 Who were leaving for the coast 進而一個人孤單離開 And although my eyes were open 雖然我的雙眼從未閉上 They might have just as we've been closed 但它們仍好像從未張開
She said, I 'm home on shore leave 她說 我雖在返家的岸邊 Though in truth we were at sea 但事實上我們還身陷大海 So I took her by the looking glass 因此我帶著她來到鏡子旁邊 And forced her to agree 強迫她去認清一些事 Saying, you must be the mermaid 我說 妳必定是人魚的化身 Who took Neptune for a ride 整天騎著海馬遨遊 But she smiled at me so sadly 但她只對我苦苦一笑 That my anger straightway died 這使得我的怒氣消失殆盡
If music be the food of love 如果音樂是愛情的食糧 Then laughter is its queen 那麼笑聲就是它的源頭 And likewise if behind is in front 同樣的如果倒過來說 Then dirt in truth is clean 那麼連灰塵也是乾淨的 My mouth by then like cardboard 我頓時無言 Seemed to slip straight through my head 只是傻傻發呆著 So we crash-dived straightway quickly 於是我們兩個急速下潛 And attack the ocean bed 直達無人探知的海底深處