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2018/10/02 06:46:03瀏覽6|回應0|推薦0


2.      Therefore, parents and teachers should work together to find effective measures to deal with this troublesome issue.


假設改用鄰接詞 so that in order that,不只多出幾個字,更可能弄錯文法:


(b) Excessive consumption of oily翻譯社 fried foods may result in schoolchildren suffering obesity or even more serious health problems.

「辣手」可以翻成 thorny(都是刺),感觸感染真的很扎手哩!或 difficult 也行。




順著想下去,就發覺英譯有個錯置的詞「among schoolchildren」。它跟在 obesity 這個字後面,就只有潤飾到了 obesity,而沒有潤色到 more serious problems

因為這是一組語意連貫 翻譯句子,可以判定「更嚴重的健康問題」是産生在學童身上,而不是家長、教員、或社會大眾。




(d) Eating too much deep-fried food may cause obesity or even worse health problems for schoolchildren. (用簡單的字彙;句型改成「cause something for someone)

食用過量油炸食物 (S) 可能會導致 (V) 學童體重太重 (O)

文章來自: http://blog.udn.com/dawnguo/15109027有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯社

「處置懲罰」可以翻成 tackle address 翻譯社


這份解答用字沒大問題;雖然,還有良多字眼可替換 翻譯社



食用過量油炸食物 (S) 可能會導致 (V) 學童更嚴重的健康問題 (O)翻譯


「是以」可以翻成 thus, hence 翻譯社

「措施」可以合營前一句,翻成 cure remedy翻譯其他如 meansmethod 也可。


這份解答沒處理好 翻譯是第一句的機關。翻譯前,讀清晰原文先。

(a) Excessive consumption of oily, fried foods may result in obesity or even more serious health problems among schoolchildren.

在翻譯課讓同學們本身試過之後,這裡整頓並補充一些想法主張 翻譯社

(h) Schoolchildren may become overweight/ obese or even have/ develop/ experience/ encounter/ suffer more serious health problems because of excessive consumption/ intake of deep-fried food.


大學入學考試中心 103 學年度指定科目考試試題

簡單的修復體例是,把這個介系詞片語移到 problems 今後即可翻譯不然也可以或許改用這個句型「result in + someone + verb-ing」稍微改寫:

1.      翻譯-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯Excessive consumption of oily, fried foods may result in obesity among schoolchildren or even more serious health problems.

天成翻譯公司們的大學入學指定科目測驗,英文科每次總有那麼一組翻譯題,讓英文教員說不難,讓數以萬計 翻譯考生抱鴨蛋。 )

(g) Schoolchildren/Schoolchildren’s eating too much deep-fried food may lead to obesity or even more serious health problems. (把「食用」意義上 翻譯主詞 schoolchildren 插手,後面就沒需要再寫。不過,如許寫,主詞有點長。








(e) Eating too much deep-fried food may cause schoolchildren obesity or even severer health problems. (再改成「cause someone something)

解析:是以,家長與教員 該當配合合作,方針是 找出 (處置懲罰這個辣手議題的) 有效辦法。


「共同合作」可以翻成 cooperate collaborate 翻譯社

1. 食用過量油炸食品可能會導致學童體重太重,甚至更嚴重 翻譯健康問題 翻譯社

2. 是以,家長與先生該當合營合作,找出處置懲罰這個毒手議題的有效辦法 翻譯社


補教協會提供 翻譯翻譯不錯,以不定詞 to find 表達方針,簡練:



今年的題目問題,終於讓 Dawn 感受有一點「毒手」。



(c) oily, fried foods 改為 deep-fried foodmore serious 改成 worse severer 翻譯社

原文:是以,家長與教員該當共同合作,找出處理這個辣手議題 翻譯有用措施。


(f) Eating too much deep-fried food may lead schoolchildren to obesity or even more serious health problems. (動詞改成 lead to翻譯)

Therefore, parents and teachers  should work together  to find effective measures  to deal with this troublesome issue.

(a) Therefore 翻譯公司 parents and teachers should work together so that they can/ will find effective measures to deal with this troublesome issue.


文章出自: http://v5smithjpy.pixnet.net/blog/post/135124128-103%E5%B9%B4%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%B8%E6%8C%87%E8%80%83%E7有關各國語文翻譯公證的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯公司02-77260931
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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