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COP (Center Of Percussion)
2009/02/08 12:10:49瀏覽725|回應0|推薦0

當然如果不知道自己手中的長兵器在甚麼狀況下會有甚麼反應是一件蠻危險的事,可是在長期錯誤嘗試(try and error)中,中、日的刀匠雖然知其然不知其所以然,應該也摸索出一套自己的數據出來。

歐洲中古和文藝復興時期有關數學或物理的研究多半脫不了軍事武器的關聯,當Galileo任職於Venetian Arsenal時,在他的”Two New Science”書中寫了”On the Force of Percussion”這一章,而Rene Descartes本就是劍不離身的軍人(參加過電影三劍客所描敘的那場Siege of La Rochelle戰役),但同時期中國的知識份子已將刀劍視為欣賞裝飾的玩物,所以相形之下,歐洲古劍的數據可能還比較值得參考。

介紹一位充滿爭議的英國探險家,Richard Burton,他的The Book of the Sword是一定要看的,不敢保證可以找到所有刀劍問題的答案,但應該是一個好的開始。


Burton makes this comment about sabers:

However well made and scientifically poised be the blade, it is subject to several variations of equilibrium according to the position in which it is held. The nearer the centre of gravity approaches the hilt, the lighter and the better balanced will be the weapon, and vice versâ. Therefore: "It should be our principal object to effect this improvement without changing the proper centre of percussion and the other requisites for offence and defence.

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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