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和太鼓奏者 湯澤元一
2018/03/16 12:55:52瀏覽658|回應0|推薦0
和太鼓奏者 湯澤 元一(和太鼓 大元組)     <日本語版> 1963年、東京都生まれ。父の影響で6歳より和太鼓を始め、『荏原流れ太鼓ひびき會』に入会、1985年には指導員に就任。(※2018年現在は会長を経て宗家として同会を牽引している) 静岡県御殿場市にて開かれた富士山大太鼓一人打ちコンテストにおいて優勝をおさめ、これをきっかけにプロへと転向、国内外に活動の場を広げる。1999年には同ひびき會会長に就任。同年にはプロ奏者三木裕樹(みきひろき)氏や他の太鼓チームリーダー大塚純一(おおつかじゅんいち)氏らと「敵喝桴(てっかば)」というユニットを組み、演奏活動の中でさらに技術を磨く。 翌2000年にはプロチーム「和太鼓大元組」を結成。2002年には大田区民ホールアプリコ内スタジオにて、和太鼓の魅力を広く伝えようと、同大元組メンバーにて「邦楽アカデミー」を開講。翌2003年、持ちスタジオにて邦楽カルチャースクール「studio邦楽アカデミー」設立にいたる。 自身の講座以外にも日本工学院専門学校をはじめとし、各種教育機関、また他の和太鼓チームにも和太鼓指導者として赴き演奏家としてだけでなく、指導者としての活動も広がる。実績が認められ、2005年夏には日本太鼓財団3級公認指導員として認定をうける。(※2018年現在、2級公認指導員へと昇進) 2006年春、指導にあたったジュニアチーム「邦楽アカデミー和太鼓大元組ジュニア」を東京都大会1位、全国大会3位に入賞に導く。全国の大太鼓コンテストでは、2名の優勝者を指導。 2015年には、自ら主催の「大太鼓~大和~一人打ちコンテスト」を開催する。 近年はEXILEのドームツアーやアサヒビール社のCM出演など、メディアへの出演も増加し、活動の幅を広げている。 Japanese drum player Motoichi Yuzawa (Wadaiko Daigengumi)<英語版> In 1963, Motoichi Yuzawa was born in Tokyo. He began to play Japanese Taiko when he was 6-year-old under the influence of his father. He became a membership of EBARA Ryu Wadaiko Hibiki-kai. Later, he became a coach as a Japanese Taiko teacher in 1985. (* Now, in 2018, he is a Soke, as known as a father of Wadaiko Daigen-gumi. He also is a leader of Taiko Soke Association leading all members of Japanese Taiko group improving the environment for Japanese Taiko group. ) He is a champing of Single beating at Fuji Taiko Contest held at Gotemba in Shizuoka Prefecture. This is also an opportunity for him to turn himself into professional activities to expand domestically and internationally as well. In 1999, he became the chairman of Hibiki-kai. In the same year, he concentrated in skills training and performance in Unit Tekkaba with two professional players: Hiroki Miki and Junichi Otsuka. They showed themselves in many musical activities, especial traditional Japanese Taiko events. Yuzawa formed a professional Japanese Taiko, called Wadaiko Daigen-kumi in 2000. The next year, he start its original Japanese Taiko course , known as "Japanese Music Academy" widely in Studio at the Citizen Hall Aplico of OTA Ward in 2002. 2003, a new studio was built by him, Japanese Music Academy Studio because a main place for Japanese Taiko leaning. Furthermore, he teaches at Japanese Engineering College and in various educational institutions. He is not only a Taiko teacher, but also an instructor of Taiko leaders in domestic. His achievements were recognized and subjected to certification Japan Taiko Foundation level 3 as a certified instructor in the summer of 2005. (* 2018, now he earns level 2 and certified instructors to promotion) As an honor, Junior Team of Japanese Music Academy Wadaiko Daigen-gumi junior team won 1st place of Tokyo Japanese Taiko Competition, 3rd place of Japanese National competition. Indeed, there are two winners of the National Japanese Taiko Contest were trained by Yuzawa for the adult team. In 2015, He starts to produce "Wadaiko Yamato-Solo Beat Contest". Recent his performance was increased to various activities, commercials, and other medias as well, such as the dome trip of EXILE and commercials of Asahi.

( 在地生活亞洲 )
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