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bumbler, stumbler, and fumbler - 笨蛋,笨蛋,笨蛋
2012/11/20 14:59:05瀏覽1732|回應4|推薦16
願意查字典的人有福了,他必因勤勞獲得賞賜,日益聰明。他偶被 bumbler 這個生字絆了一跤,便尋求智慧的謀士,樂與馬氏、韋氏、牛津、蘭登、線上字典為友。那懶惰的人卻不如此,他盲從笨蛋的翻譯,與無知的群眾結黨,在難以索解的焦慮泥沼中跌撞而行。

Blessed is the man who looks things up in a dictionary, for he shall be rewarded for his diligence, and become enlightened day by day. When he stumbles over such strangers as the bumbler, he seeks the counsel of the wise, and delights in the company of Merriam, Webster, Oxford, Random House, and dictionary.com.

The lazy are not so. They blindly follow the interpretation of the imbecile, gang up with an ill-informed crowd, and end up bumbling along in a quagmire of inscrutable anxiety.
( 知識學習語言 )
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2013/02/16 21:12

What I learn from the life and its attendant complexities and also the people surrounding me is whether or not that they check up the Dr. Dictionary for the words stumbling them, they might be still enjoy their lifes as well. The worlds of these people are the fields that we might not understand or enjoy at all.

Each one has his unique way of thinking and the value supporting him to be a human being.

Of course, if the main idea of your article is just an encouragement for yourself, at this point, I am fully agree with you, too.

Being such a person while stumbling by the words, I also bury my mind into Dr.D and get the enjoyment from the digging. I can be happy all day for that.

The lazy tend to forget the subject-verb agreement.
2012/12/08 18:18


想必是下筆神速, 而懶得校對英文造句的文法:

The + adjective = plural subject

For instance, "the ambitious have a tendency to stay late every night."


Most executives, professionals, and entrepreneurs put a huge amount of time into their jobs. In a crisis it may be necessary to burn the midnight oil, but the ambitious have a tendency to stay late every night. This tendency arises from the implicit assumption that more hours equal more value added. That is too simplistic. Your success should be measured by the results you produce, not the number of hours you log.  引用聯網 http://mag.udn.com/mag/newsstand/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=427110

北橋客(northbridge) 於 2012-12-09 01:26 回覆:

moment of truth
2012/11/21 07:31

Will you take Mr. Ma, the bumbler, as your lawfully 得意erected elected President?

北橋客(northbridge) 於 2012-11-21 08:01 回覆:

Let there be no misunderstanding: what I wrote is about language education. Since you asked a forbidden question, allow me to be elusive in the response:

The lawful could be awful; the artful could be unlawful. The elected bumbles; the un-elected grumbles. The political pendulum swings, and people get to choose between getting bored or fooled. This noisy lousy tabloid is indeed distasteful, so why don't you open another book that is more truthful. For once, something in me cries out loud, let's play cool and be reasonable!

2012/11/21 07:04
北橋客(northbridge) 於 2012-11-21 08:02 回覆: