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堅韌的女情報員Mentally Strong Woman-Mission Impossible
2015/08/12 17:23:13瀏覽329|回應0|推薦2

Mission: Impossible這電影已經看了兩週有了,但至今念念不忘的還是那女主角迷人的角色女主角Rebecca Ferguson比阿湯哥還搶眼, 女主角是A) 英國情報局B) 恐怖組織「辛迪加」的臥底情報員. 協助C) 美國IMF 不可能任務局(IMF)Ethan.


三個組織A) 英國情報局, B) 恐怖組織, C) 美國IMF

 1.  三次救了Ethan 阿湯哥:


2. 周旋在黑白灰三道: 只有她知道真相. Only she know the Truth...She handled the truth very well.


3. 發揮智仁勇精神:

智: 為了達成任務而背叛了韓特和班吉, resutled oriented...

仁: 仁愛的決定. 保護Ethan 及善良的人類.

勇: 騎車+武術+潛水都比男人強




4. 老闆背叛她: 當她完成任務將機密disk 交給 英國情報局老闆, 空口說白話的老闆竟然將達成任務的條件-還她一張身份證 給退翻.....還將她的任務給消除....


有Performance且公司內,,,,都知 ,在客戶也有credit. 但老闆竟然背叛妳. 將妳的成績全消除, 還說"有嗎?"!!!


一定要客戶, 為TEAM,自己 !!

 付錢的是大爺, 就是客戶而不是老闆.




5. Stay calm, elegant and KILL!! (Results)




" I am still patting myself on the shoulder" 女英雄要不斷的自我勉勵!!!




 Mentally Strong. 要常常自勉being a 堅韌的女情報員

1. They monitor their emotions: 你可以有情緒. 但要常常監控. Think-> Wirte -> Act

2. They practice realistic optimism.:要練習. 每天上班第一件事讀五篇勵志文

3. They solve problems.: 解決問題. why is that??FIX it PLEASE

4. They practice self-compassion.

5. They set healthy boundaries.

6. They manage their time wisely.

7. They strive to fulfill their purpose.: 目標績效導向...要有成積show the Results!!

8. They seek to grow stronger.

9. They monitor their progress.:

Doing whatever it takes to improve can help you reach your greatest potential. It starts with acknowledging your weaknesses and having a "no excuses" approach.

"Rather than make excuses for their mistakes or failures, they seek explanations that will help them perform better moving forward,"



 Mission is possible if you hold on for one more day. Nina!!


( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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