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2015/03/25 10:09:02瀏覽265|回應0|推薦0

除了Adidas case study 表達傳統量化數字(分析過去現在)導向的經營策略已不能因應市場的變化

取而代之是質化” Sensemaking(未來趨勢) approach…我個人覺得(以自己做過觀光旅遊市調的市場經驗)

其實就是consumer- benefits linkage…



 "你可以講白(人) 話嗎?"。。对研發TMD同事經常說。。。pls link to consumer benefits . 别用一條紗看世界(市場)。。。

組織內部有对話。pov sharing and challenge..而非奉指示。。。

The Smartest Teams Share These 3 Traits


1. They didn't have a clear leader. Instead of having one or two people speak most often or lead team discussions, members of the smartest teams contributed fairly evenly to group chatter.

2. Their members were better, individually, at interpreting how others were feeling. This result was determined by participants' results on a test where they were asked to identify complex emotions (like shame or curiosity, not simply happiness or sadness) in pictures showing only the eye-region of people's faces.

3. They had more women. And we're not talking about equal numbers here. Instead, the more women a team had, the better they did. This result, the psychologists write, can at least be partially explained by the fact that women perform "slightly but significantly" better on the emotion-reading test.


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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