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2014/12/31 14:12:18瀏覽474|回應0|推薦0 | |
也終於要跟這本muji 寫的破爛筆記本說再見了.我是公私不分的人. 公的私的都寫在這本. 翻來翻去~唸了唸寫的筆記~許多是記下激勵自己的話..整理如下. 因為日後這本會不見~過去就過去吧(如2013年版) 但留下這些在 UDN blog吧..
10. Be practical with intelligence and apply it wisely. 11. Trigger pleasure hormones into your body. 12. 面對客戶之女友人,都有值得學習之處。 13. 別人的成功,是你的靈感。 14. 女人要保有天真與熱情 15. 好運來自一客觀的觀察力, 二心中直覺三資訊交流。洞察需求,革新思想,真心服務他人,幸運之神眷顧。 16. 說好的幸福不是幸福,自我及自足才能,深刻體會逆境期間所增長的力量。幸福之無常。回到自我原則,無論外在環境變化。外在給妳的幸福是脆弱,不堪一擊的,只有自己,回到原我。 17. Smile blesses on receiving end as well, without saying a word, it can tell others that you like them. A smile can hug someone with love. 18. Feel Alive, Contentment, free to love 19. That happy, leading an honest life, no matter what life’s like beside. 20. A) Write b) learn c) Talk in your field 21. Do my best to do something loving for myself, it motivates you to take better care of yourself. 22. Go after your dreams, and not let people treat you poorly. 23. Go out there and do what you want to do ..approval will follow initative. 24. 幸福不必等人給,用手作創造幸福,讓生命充滿能量。 25. Always act as if you are in total control. Never allow you to whine or complain or criticize. And focus only on impressing yourself. Count your blessings. 26. 勇敢愛自己,愛好自由,活潑的自己。 27. 若不能對你分享真實感受,我心會遠離。 28. There's no fight you can't fight...........you win again
ps,2014 要倒數...整理沒看的"紡織趨勢"雜誌, 才發現這...
( 興趣嗜好|其他 ) |